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RE: The WHO in China: The Lies They Told are Killing People Today

in #life4 years ago (edited)

I want to point out that I completely agree with you and @lucylin regarding the imposition of a globalist totalitarian tyranny ongoing presently.

I note that the biological weapon they are using to cow civilians isn't pretend, or a hoax. I note that the goals of UN Agendae 21 and 30 include reducing human population to ~1B, and a deadly pandemic actually supports their end goals. I also note that DRACO has been extant for ~a decade, and the megarich have had ample time, money, and ability to test, develop, and manufacture it for themselves, while it has been prevented from becoming available to civilians.

Why would they not spread a deadly pandemic to decrease global population, cause terror in civilians that prevents resistance to their imposition of global tyranny, and enables them to become the only source of human sperm due to their immunity to SARS2 (and all viral plagues), own everything in the world, and force survivors to worship them as gods?

There is no factual basis for considering this pandemic a hoax, and every reason for banksters to spread death and destruction to get their globalist totalitarian government.

That tyranny does not depend on the virus being a hoax. The more deadly it is, the better, from their perspective.


Why would they not spread a deadly pandemic to decrease global population, cause terror in civilians that prevents resistance to their imposition of global tyranny,

V. good question. Too much chaos? (unable to predict out come ?)
I'll have a ponder over my first coffee

Please look up event 201 from DAVOS in OCT sponsored by Bill Gates.
thanks for that comment.
I hope you realize that no black flag operation is a hoax.
The event is real and happening but what we are being told is not true!

I published this two months ago.

This is more obscure, and published on my blog ~three weeks ago.

I strongly recommend you have at my blog, where many, many links to source documents have been published, including research into the specific affects of the pandemic pathogen, as well as information regarding the terrible harvests of all staple crops around the world last year.

I do not believe you are alarmed enough at the extant situation regarding food. During the Holodomor committed by the Bolsheviks, the genocide of the Kulaks by Stalin, and similarly in China by Mao, visible gardens and peasant food production were destroyed in order to kill the peasants.

Hide it. Hide food stored. Commies will seize it so that you will starve.

Ok you were on the right trail long before me. What led you to event 201?

I don't specifically recall. It was months ago.

However, @iceagefarmer is highly relevant to your circumstances. Folks that succumb to normalcy bias remain unaware of the extensive research that leads to his reports. The 2019 season had nothing to do with normal - except proving there is no normal anymore.

Famine is coming. If your family has food, someone will try to take it because they are starving. Food security means a lot more than simply being able to grow food now.