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RE: Centralization is the Death of Freedom. Decentralize into Prosperity on Independence Day

in #life4 years ago

I always appreciate your forthright opinions, and this may strike you as untrue, as our discussions generally focus on our disagreements. However, it is disagreement which requires discussion, as agreement is already present on matters on which both of us agree, obviously.

We will certainly continue to disagree on as many points as our experiences and understanding of the world differ, and this I account a good thing. God forbid only my own views be those of all the world, as I would be granted no criticism whatever by which to improve my understanding. If only for this reason, that your criticism enables me to better understand the world, I am grateful for your comments.

"...for me personally I believe this virus was a deliberate release in response to people taking a stance..."

I think this reveals that in many particulars regarding governance globally we are in agreement, and I think that's why you bother to pay my posts any mind at all, deigning to weigh in when you observe I am off the rails of common sense or reason.

My own perspective on the current execution of governance concurs that people are being prevented from improving their quality of life by overlords using psychological manipulation, which implies many other things as well. The implications of the above quote from you reveals there are many points of agreement between us regarding our present social circumstances.

I am glad this enables me to benefit from your own understanding, as you are led to comment.


While I appreciate the courtesy of your comment accompanying your flag, I must request that you refrain from automated comments. I recall you do automate comment, due to your many accounts and this account's use to automate flagging of those you find objectionable.

If you should actually note that any of the opinions or facts I post are false or otherwise insuperable, no one would benefit more than I from being set straight. I am aware of my entirely human limitations, and the certainty that I am wrong in many ways about many things I would rather be right about.

Rather than a general comment that I am wrong about something, I'd prefer specific criticism that would actually enable me to become right should I be able to understand and agree with your criticism.
