Rumble in the Crosshairs of Cancel Culture

in #life8 months ago

Russel Brand has been raising a ruckus for a while now, and recently he seems to have stepped over a line. Suddenly anonymous accusations are being made of sexual abuse and the enemedia have pulled an Alex Jones and banned him across the board. Except Twatter and Rumble. Since Musk owns it, Twatter got a pass (so far), but Rumble has no such pedigree, so the torches and pitchforks have come out for it's CEO, whom has adamantly refused to ban Brand just because he's being cancelled by the MeToo operation. England has reportedly threatened Chris Pavloski's arrest if he refuses to do the needful, and Rumble appears to be standing firm.

IMG source -

IMG source - - Monark
Most of ya'll have never heard of Monark, whom I just heard of myself from @TalksaboutBrazil on Odysee, but what I gather from that link is that Monark has been cancelled by the Supreme Court in Brazil and has fled to the US, and Rumble is also refusing to ban Monark, regardless of threatened legal action. Now, Ofcom and the UK is a big market, but their recent move to require platforms to conform to the draconian censorship rules, no end to end encryption, everyone has to KYC to use platforms, etc., can probably be crushed by alternative media platforms resolutely all refusing to comply, because that would isolate the UK in an information bubble and force it to back down. But, the sudden duplication of action against Rumble by Brazil doubles the pleasure and doubles the fun for Rumble, and cuts that calf out of the herd for taking down alone. It also raises the specter of all national governments implementing identically onerous policies. The recent furor in the USA over it's attempt to impose a similar policy to 'save the children' won't reoccur if the rest of the world has forced media platforms to comply to those censorious policies and they are de facto already for American users. Ofcom and the UK couldn't stand alone, but Brazil jumping in changes the game. If more follow suit alternative media doesn't stand a chance.

Another interesting coincidence is that Australia has recently moved to implement the Voice investing Aborigines with ownership of all it's beaches, waterways, and maybe trees, or something. They were previously invested with Ayer's Rock, a famous landmark in Oz, and non-aboriginal people aren't allowed to step foot on it anymore. That reveals the actual reason to invest the Aborigines with these real properties, because that enables the government to itself seize that property and exclude everyone and everything from it on their behalf. If what it did to Ayer's Rock is an accurate rehearsal for it's recent move on beaches, rivers, and every blade of grass, this is clearly not a move to empower Aborigines, but to exclude humanity.

Well, @TalksaboutBrazil mentions the Brazilian Supreme Court (which seems to have taken over Brazil, and installed Lula right out of a prison cell into the Presidency) has made a similar move regarding natives in Brazil being able to take title to real property in Brazil. That's extremely alarming, happening in two unrelated polities in a short period of time, the first thought that occurs to me is what would the world look like if this policy were implemented everywhere?

It wouldn't look good for humanity. It would be the legal justification to round us up and put us in FEMA camps and 15 minute prisons.

BlackRock owns ~90% of the stock corporations of the world, and it has been the driving force behind the plandemic and all this crap, IMHO. Through the WEF it has tendrils sunk into the corrupt backsides of every national government in the world. The Anglosphere are sort of poster boys of WEF infiltration and commandeering of government. Canada's catering to it's First Peoples is notorious, as is New Zealand to it's Maoris (to the great detriment of the Moriori of the Chatham Islands, most of whom the Maoris ate). Let's not forget Klaus Schwab infamously named Putin amongst his minions, and the Russian Federation has been at the forefront of CBDC development, through Sberbank, pushed the jabs as hard as anyone, and is dancing a duet with NATO in the Ukraine that is enabling all manner of great resetting of economic paradigms, so near and dear to Larry Fink, hisself.

I think we are seeing the gloves coming off the NWO, and global policies being implemented across polities that are ripe for those specific developments. If I'm right Rumble will crumble, the whole world will follow Ofcom and end free speech forever - unless we prevent it, and we'll see other national governments implement similar land grabs in the name of indigenes, the USA following up on NAGPRA (excepting Hawaii, of course), and perhaps China in Xinjiang. These are dramatic changes in fundamental ways in which we live, not merely some woke sounding respect for indigenes, but total eviction from some of the most valuable land on the planet, and the end of free speech on every platform, whether they want to censor us or not. Regarding that last item, Hive is small enough it may linger longer before being targeted, and I may have to rethink my judgments about the oligarchy keeping it that way. If we see Rumble and a few others taking the knee, we'll have a better idea of what we're up against and have some time to prepare to be boarded. That's always the threat in a plutocracy, after all. I'm sure our peerless leaders are as ready to polish up their golden parachutes as they ever have been. I'm not sure how much good mere money will do them for very long in the NWO, but more money will probably be better than less money, at least for a while, eh?

*The PayPal Mafia is an integral part of this puzzle, and I highly recommend having a look at Charlie Robinson of @macroaggressions latest post here on Hive, which is a quick rundown on that pack of productive entrepreneurs that have spawned Tesla, Spacex, Youtube, Palantir, and much more.


I'll be ecstatic when those that think they get to force people to comply with impunity get their comeuppance.

It will be a signal day indeed when such oppression is no longer possible.


Very interesting post. I’m in uk and the censorship bill is almost across the line (just awaiting royal assent). However, there have already been at least 2 reports of the police acting upon this legislation on the grounds of “mis/disinformation knowingly being spread. Seems as though the police are ahead of the legislation but still somehow have the power to arrest 🤷‍♂️

What that reveals to me is this censorship is part and parcel of living under tyranny, which has lacked suitable legal justification heretofore, and is the reason this legislation is necessary. This leads to the prediction that, since oppression is shown to lead legislation, so censorship and policing of opinions will increase in both extent and impact upon enactment of this legislation, until new legislation again is provided to justify that over reach, at least in the UK, where any justification of censorship is necessary to overcome free speech protections in the law.


Seems they are overriding common law in the presence of ignorance to its existence and historical importance. Descendants have fought an ongoing battle against tyrants through history that has see-sawed in one direction before being corrected towards the other. Ground is taken and then rebellion comes to counter it to retake what has been stolen from us. I think the people did well for themselves and created some solid protection within the law up until 18th/19th century. Move forward to modern times where education has been captured and controlled and now very few understand the importance of these laws and therefore see no wrongdoing in the recent online legislation. I get the feeling the covid restrictions showed there are still plenty of people out there who are still alive enough to react to their instincts (instincts that told them something wasn’t quite right) and just enough people to lead these people into a rebellion against tyrants. Action = Reaction, and maybe that’s what was intended all along.

Still boggles me how folk can believe the government is doing things in the publics best interest 🤦‍♂️ And as for the Police, well, they are just being primed for the job to come. Alienate and eliminate.

I really do hope things change real soon

" has been captured and controlled..."

This is why I homeschooled my sons, and this is why no one should submit their children to government indoctrination camps.

The Voice referendum on October 14th has nothing at all to do with what you describe. Zero. Misinformation...

That's not been the assessment of Australians who's reports I've seen. I've seen video in which Aboriginal people claimed the Voice empowers them to evict others from private beachfront property. I, however, admit these reports are but hearsay, as I'm not in Oz and have no specific knowledge of how this initiative impacts real people in the real world.

That's why I linked directly to official documents from the Australian government, so people could examine themselves the matter and judge themselves what it means.

You are claiming specific knowledge of the purpose of that initiative, but haven't shared it. What do you know of it and how do you know it?


Happy to go into greater detail when I have more time. However, the specific knowledge you gesture at is that there is no initiative, yet. The referendum comes first, the public is voting October 14th. The outcome of that referendum determines whether or not an initiative will happen.

I live in Australia. Have all my life.

The beachfront property nonsense is just that.

The form of the voice will have no executive or veto power in the Australian Federal Parliament at all. It is simply a voice.

You are welcome! Thank you as well. I appreciate the good faith you bring to our discussion and wish to reciprocate in turn. I have no doubt we can learn and grow together through text-based communication.

I hope that is why we are here. I also hope very much you are right.

Well yeah, sometimes looking around you've got to wonder. I'm here to talk, learn, share. Other people have their own ideas and/or agendas and that's cool. I have enjoyed reading a lot of what you've written, especially the physics/cosmology stuff.

"'ve got to wonder."

I sure do! I am glad you've been granted wonder by some of my posts. I hope I can do more of that, and contribute to your appreciation for this amazing gift we are all sharing, life on Earth.

I wish I could be right about everything, but because I know I cannot be, I am particularly attentive to criticism, and some of the folks I am most grateful to are those that proved to me I was wrong, enabling me to quit being wrong, which I deeply appreciate. If you can provide a more substantive explanation of the Voice, for example, I'd be very interested in it, because the sources, few and scattered, I drew from left me with the impression that it would end up as what you said it wouldn't be, a veto power and ability to use eminent domain to seize property.

I note that such power doesn't need to be specified by law, because employing a technique of treating requests as orders can cause suggestions to overrule to be effective vetoes. That doesn't mean it will be done that way, but it was a very scary scene when I imagined the results of that kind of use of indigenous people by BlackRock pulling golden chains of financial corruption to use government agents and agencies to seize the huge swathes of real property the UN agenda 30 has indicated it wants to exclude people from. That would be consistent as well with the push to incarcerate people in smart, cities, and dovetail with the panoply of other initiatives from those sources.

I was raised in wilderness, and I'd rather die innawoods than live the rest of my life excluded from it. Forests are my cathedrals, where I feel the sacred life force of which we are all part has itself planned and built the architecture, the leafy canopies and mossy pews where we can meditate and be at peace. This makes that whole idea quite horrific to me, and I hope my fear is more substantial than the actual danger we face. When I'm more deeply alarmed at what looks like oncoming catastrophes, that's when I'm most glad to find out I'm wrong.

Why we need DECENTRALISEDuntitled.gif