I Intend To Release A Brand New Studio Album Composed Through GarageBand On Macintosh This Summer!

in #life2 years ago

Good evening from Romania, fellow HIVE users worldwide and dear readers from both HIVE and outside of it! For today's third post here on my HIVE blog, I dearly wanted to share the fact that I intend to release a brand new studio album composed mainly through GarageBand on iPad and Macintosh this summer. I have already started working on its frontal cover artwork through AdobeSpark earlier this June and it looks like this:

The frontal cover artwork for my forthcoming studio album composed mainly through GarageBand. Image source: personal work through AdobeSpark (online version)

Its title, as you can notice from the artwork shared above, is going to be 'Survivalist' because, frankly speaking, that's what I've been since I left Denmark for my home country in 2020 in the current chaotic, hostile, and unpredictable global environment and context triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic, multiple crises (ranging from the major economic one to the energetic and human ones) to the ongoing, dreadful war initiated brutally by the Russian Federation in neighbouring Ukraine.

So far, 2 years into the COVID-19 pandemic and approximately half a year into an ongoing brutal and devastating war in Ukraine (which impacts the whole wide world, mind you), I managed to survive as a survivalist. The title's name is an evident reference towards a Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 eponymous perk. I suppose only old school Fallout players know what I'm talking about here. But, in order to avoid any misconception, here's an in-game screenshot in order to shed light on its description:

That was basically me during the pandemic in my hometown, Suceava, Romania, to this very day (and beyond, most likely, as well), minus the Mad Max-like outfit, gun, and machete, of course. Image source: Google Images/Ocean of Games.

And, hereby the original Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 descriptions of the perk, according to The Vault - Fallout Wiki:

You are a master of the outdoors. This Perk confers the ability to survive in hostile environments. You get a +20% bonus to Outdoorsman for survival purposes, for each level of this Perk.

  • Fallout 1 description of the perk

You are a master of the outdoors. This Perk confers the ability to survive in hostile environments. You get a +25% bonus to Outdoorsman.

  • Fallout 2 description of the perk

Anyway, once fully composed, the album will be released and available for download on The Rockpedia, one of my websites, at the My Music page/section of the website. Don't forget to check it out then and I truly hope you will like it! I'll try to keep you posted on the progress of the recording sessions and the mastering! Until then, best regards from Romania and let there no day pass without you, dear and respectful readers, reading, listening to music, and enjoying art and life in general.

Hats off, fellow survivalists worldwide, keep on keeping on, stay strong, hang in there, and best regards from Romania! These dark times will not last forever, keep the faith and don't lose hope, this is very important!

Thank you very much for your time, attention, and readership here on my HIVE blog! I am very grateful for them! All the best, much health, take care, stay safe, many blessings, and great peace your way! God bless you, have an excellent day, and a wonderful week along with all your dear ones! Best regards from Romania!

Many blessings your way, all the best once again, much health, take care, stay safe, and, just as in the words of Ringo Starr, peace and love your way! Great peace and a lot of love your way, I might add! Have an excellent and most peaceful day along with your close/dear ones! Namaste and great peace your way once again! 😊🙏✌️☮️

Also, please don't forget to keep praying for Ukraine and its people! Much love, blessings, and peace to Ukraine and the Ukrainians as well! May the war stop very soon! 💛💙🇺🇦

P.S.: Thank you very much for all your support, readership, attention, precious time, appreciation, re-blogging, and feedback here on HIVE. 😊

Stay blessed, loved, well, and safe along with your family and friends! Cheers and please stay tuned for more amazing content on my HIVE blog! 😊


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