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RE: How to let go

in #life6 years ago

Those are good ways to let go. But I find some things are more sticky and not so easy to move on from.

A method I have used to help let go of some long-held “baggage” is 6-Direction visualization. Have you ever used it? Take the aspect of that topic that is most attracting your attention right now, and put it above your head. This is simple to do with an easy topic (maybe breakfast today), but much harder to do with a hot/charged one. Do your best, even if it's only with the tiniest piece of it. No need to spend too long at it. OK. Now put it below you. To the right. To the left. In front. Behind. Above again. And so on, until it has released a bit and you feel better. This procedure works best when you're not hungry, tired, under the influence, or distracted. Good luck!


I didn't know this one! Thanks for your tip. I'm gonna try it next time I want to let go. For now it seems that writing the blog helped me therapeutically. :-)

Glad to help. Feel free to ask any questions about it. I think the therapeutic part of writing comes about from having to look at various aspects of the chosen topic closely and sorting things out in one's mind, which one must do in order to present a coherent account. Without this necessity to clarify for oneself, the subject can often remain an uninspected mess. This seems to be true even for topics in which one is merely interested, without any personal emotional attachment.