Bowling Game Can Increase Self-Esteem! Adults games are therapeutic!

in #lifestyle6 years ago (edited)


Everytime I play Bowling, it reminds me of Flinstone Family Cartoon.

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Yes, games are therapeutic and it can increase your self-esteem.

While competing with other players, your mind is present, how to hit better the pins, to be in the top spot.
Excelling in the game makes you feel better if you were the King of night, right?


I agree with that, been there, done that!

No matter how you look, where you come from, what you will do the next day, your mind lives in the present, you focus on 1 thing and your whole body is living the moment.

Games are made to develop the artist in you , the creative part.

The adrenaline rushes in, and you can`t wait for your turn, you calculate how to hit, looking at the points, trying to prove that you are better in this game.

Even if you're there with friends, family, feeling competitive is present, the more competitive you are the more you live the moment and enjoy it.


Maybe you are not so good in Bowling, or at any game, but sure this grandma is!


Find a game that you like, meet with friends that you enjoy and choose what to do, a bowling night out will be a blast, for me it was for sure!

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All the gifs made this article hilarious. You know how to captivate the crowd, I see.

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