Spice4Life 3 - Date Night at home ideas❣️

in #lifestylelounge3 years ago

These days with Covid19 around, tight finances etc. it might not be as easy as before to go on a date night. The good news is you can still have a date night at your home.

With a little bit of planning you can have fun at home. Following is a few ideas for date nights at home.

Dinner, a movie and top it off with a slow dance.

Decorate your dining room to resemble a romantic restaurant. Dress up like you would if you were going out. Start by preparing a meal together. Then you have your dinner in your own restaurant complete with candles and wine or any other drink of your choice.

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

After dinner, you go to the living room and watch a movie of your choice. Cuddle up on the coach and enjoy the togetherness and the movie. After the movie, put on some romantic music and slow dance holding each other real close.

Photo by Thirdman from Pexels

Theme Bath or Jacuzzi.

Plan a date night where you take a bath together. Lots of couples enjoy taking a bath together, but for date night make it special by planning a theme bath.
Maybe you tell yourself that you won't fit into the bath. To get a position where you both fit in is part of the fun. If you have a Jacuzzi even better.
Decide on a theme, e.g. a floral theme. Throw some floral petals in the bath and some fragrant herbs. Look on the internet for recipes to make your own body scrub, and give each other a nice body scrub.
Or maybe a fruit theme. Put out different fruits around the bath and make a delicious fruit smoothie. Enjoy the bath, relax and savour each moment in each other's company.


Picnic in your own backyard.

Plan a romantic picnic for early evening in your own backyard. Watch the sunset and then cuddle up and watch the magic of the night sky. This is called aesthetic togetherness, a term from the book, Blueprints for a solid marriage. It's about sharing beauty together in this case the beauty of nature.


Camping at home

No money to go camping? Look for a good spot in your backyard and pitch up your tent. Make a fire, enjoy the warmth of the fire and each other's company. You can fry some marshmallows, cuddle and talk. When you are ready, go sleep in your tent and recall memories of previous camping experiences. Add this unique experience to that memories. Shared good memories are also a good tool in the upkeep of your marriage or relationship.

Pinterest - Chris Dizon

Make a date for slow and tender lovemaking.

Set a romantic mood in the bedroom, lit some candles and aromatic oils. Put on some love songs. Don't be hasty, start in the bathroom, take a nice shower together, towel each other dry.
Put on some sexy lingerie. Spend a long time on pre-foreplay. Just holding and cuddling. Tell each other how much you love each other. Then you start your foreplay, taking it slowly and move on to tender and slow lovemaking. Lovemaking is one of the strongest binding factors in your marriage. It's like the cement of your marriage, keeping it together. Every time it creates a renewing of your love for each other.
Stay close, cuddle and go for a second session.


Now you have no excuse not to plan a date night. Choose one and plan a date, enjoy your spouse, enjoy love and be grateful for it.

Thank you for reading, blessings!



Hi hope
How are you? I hope you are doing good.
It's been a long time we have talked. Actually, I stopped using steemit 3 years back.
yesterday I found out about this Hive network and I joined it. I found out that you are also here and still posting consistently that's so great and motivating for me.

How's everything going ?

Hey, good to hear from you. I am well thanks. Well I wasn't posting consistently, I also stopped for about 2 years. Came to Hive about 7 months ago. Posting now on and off but I try. Want to earn some money to buy Bitcoin.
How are you?

I am good thank you. Yes, I also came here to earn some extra cash to buy some altcoins. I feel like alt season is coming very soon.
I wish you the best. Let's make money again on Hive 😁

Great to see you back writing once again, sharing positive ideas and keeping wheels of life turning.


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