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RE: He wasn’t the one .

in #love3 years ago

and to make one thing clear … I’m no longer upset that he left me … I’m upset because I felt like a fool …. I felt lied to …. I felt like I was con’d ….. and I knew better .

This means you let your guard down and trusted your love. In some way, I think you knew you were always strong enough to pick yourself back up if you were ever let down .. as what ended up happing. Maybe you ARE the Lucky One. Maybe this was all a blessing in disguise. Not everyone is good at Love, or showing it in the exact right way. Other are not, and never will be, capable of giving Love. Sometimes their ego shadows their vulnerable side, making them think Love is corny. Holding hands and gazing into each others eyes, letting the world melt away and all sound except your mates beating heart be heard .. not willing to let themselves be vulnerable, be at the others mercy, be trusting in the other, be Loved. That's sad and something that person will forever regret.

You made the RIGHT choices for you, and you should not regret them or dwell on them. Your life .. under all the drama (I am sure you have some), is awesome. Those kids! Those friends of yours! and maybe someday, when the timing is right.. A companion that appreciates everything about you. The shinny and not so shinny. Your entire character. Maybe I am just a helpless romantic. If so ignore my ranting .. hehe 🙃


Oh … he was very capable of showing love …. He was very loving towards me … which is why I believed it all …when he called it off with me … he had met someone else ….and he is now happily married to her …… and they seem very in love with each other … and I hope that love is genuine…. It’s good that your a helpless romantic…. I was at one point too …. But I think as I got older … and as I fell in love …. And people fell out of love with me ….. I started being less and less of a helpless romantic….. and ohhhh boy do I have drama ….. I have a lot of drama … And like I’ve said before I come with a lot of baggage … but it is what it is…. I’m perfectly content with being by myself … I think I‘be learned to enjoy my own company so much so … I can’t be bothered with other people’s bullshit …. Lol .