The Purpose Driven Steemian: Benefits of a 'Love-Driven' life.

in #love7 years ago (edited)

The Purpose driven Steemian has to be driven by something. Today, we will be talking about the benefits of a "Love-Driven life."
A purposeful life is one that is lived driven by LOVE. When you are driven by Love, you will be living a life you have always wanted.
A life lived with love will help the person bear anything; you will always be comfortable in your skin irrespective of your color, thickness, freckles or flaws.

A love-driven life has these benefits.

Meaning.- Without Meaning, living is worthless and impossible. Many people are tied in a relationship of hate with themselves and the world because they have no idea what the meaning of life is. Love makes a way and helps you achieve the unimaginable. Love help you step out of mere existence into living a meaningful life. A Steemian without a purpose is of all men miserable.

As a Steemian, you must first have a meaning and understand that meaning of your journey through the Internet of things and on the Steem ecosystem. One of such ways to do that is to first have love and then use love which will then become available for gifting; you cannot gift what you do not have.

Hope.- A meaningful life has lots of trappings and benefits; it has a priceless tag that no one can give, Hope. As air and water is to life so is 'hope'. Coping with the daily challenges of life comes with some special restraints and only a hopeful person can truly go through it and being hopeful comes from a feeling created by love.

As a Steemian, you must be willing to stay true to the 'game'. Understanding that there is just you inside your circle first makes it possible to grasp at a meaning and the hope will follow. Look beyond the payouts, they will come soon enough, focus on the endgame- a fulfilled life.

Simplicity.- You must be as simplified as possible and never allow whatever you have to set you up for a fall. What I mean is that, many have fallen out of themselves and the purposeful life because they lack the tact to be simple. Simplicity will define your life. Without a purpose in whatever you do, you will not be able to allocate time(not forgetting that 24hours seems not be enough anymore). You need a foundation that will help you use your resources for the best profits.

As a Steemian, you must first ask yourself, 'Does being a Steemian help me fulfill my purpose on earth?' You must be simple in your dealings, simplicity breeds humility as I have come to know and you need that skill to live a purpose driven Steem life.
When you have, meaning, hope and simplicity, you will live free and have a saner schedule that will come out every time with profits. Bear in mind, it is impossible to do everything you and others want you to do in 24hours. So start smart and simple.

Focus.- Love helps you focus. You are not in a hurry to be something you are not, you simply just become the envy of the world because you are focused. Focusing on the what is important helps you maintain a saner life.
Distraction is a major part of our lives and no matter how we try, we will always get distracted by issues mostly unimportant. Love helps you focus.

As a Steemian, do not live carelessly and unthinkingly. Make sure you understand and work towards a lasting win. The ecosystem is for the 'creative commons' and that means, you must focus your energy on becoming better than you were a minute ago. There is nothing quite as potent as a focused life, driven by love.

Motivation.- Love always produces passion. A love-driven life sends endless signals of passion towards you and those you come in contact with. Without a driven life, you will be sapped out of passion and that is why you need love.
Love gives you meaning, hope, simplicity, focus and motivation which equals profitability.

As a Steemian, you need to be at a level where you are continuously motivated and driven towards a better you. A motivated individual does the right things at the right time, they do not involve themselves in ventures that will overwork them and also rob them of their joy.

Becoming a better you starts with you, and being a better you must start with you first loving yourself.

Are you driven today? What drives you?

Make the world a better place for someone today!


Great post boss, wise words from a wise man😏

Thanks @francistagbo, they are just words based on my understanding...

Thank 👍👍👍👍you for your sharing👌👌👌👌.Great👌👌👌 post boss💐💐💐💐

Thank you for reading.

Upvoted. I'll be resteeming this now :)

Sometimes the going is tough but i think i have a drive

Thanks for this

It is always tough, but trust me you are tougher and that is why you will keep moving on. Thanks for reading.


@ejemai, you were recommended by @francistagbo . im following you now. #teamGhana here

You have really made my day...the hope your words come with cannot be over are followed and glad steemit connects me to wonderful africans like you.. @ejemai ....keep the good work... #steemitghana

Love your positive approach!

@ejemai please check your message in the steemit chat.thanks

Thank you. You bring it down to the core.
What drives me? I try to figure it out day by day. Sometimes it's so obvious and clear, sometimes not so much. But at the end it´s about thriving and evolving.