Mama Musings - When Babies Crawl

in #mamamusings6 years ago


I know a lot of people hate this stage & they always say to me "Oh ya, just wait till they start crawling. Then you'll wish they were immobile again!" But, I actually love this stage in their life. They're growing in their little independence & learning so much! I also find, that once crawling begins, naps & night time are wayyyy better. My baby is almost crawling & it just amazes me how fast it can happen & how all of a sudden they don't feel like such a baby anymore. Soon, you're finding cheerios all lined up on your couch cushion as they begin to pull themselves up on furniture. They're discovering this world & I love being witness to that.

Also, this phase reminds me that we survived the first 6 months of life. Heck, we didn't do too bad even. Sure, we were grumpier, more tired & I have more grey hairs popping up everyday, but it's all worth it. I also love this time after having a baby because I finally start to feel the clouds lifting & more like myself as each day passes. I start to feel strong again & finally more confident in my own skin.

Out of the first year of life, I really enjoy the 6-9 month stage. I feel like they learn & grow so much & really start to let their personalities shine through! I find each day has a new little gift to bring. Whether it's saying their first word, more teeth popping out (or their first!), learning to crawl, learning to stand up, playing & interacting. It's such a full time & before we know it, they'll be a little toddler. Why does it have to happen so fast?!

The saying is true: "The days are long, but the years are short."

-Liz Lemon


I have a 14 and 11 year old (boys) and we just had a new baby that now a week shy of 6 months (we had to try for a girl and we got it). Its true. now that im am an older parent of a newborn again i appreciate it much more and wish they would stay that little forever since i know how fast it really goes. Our little was 6 weeks early so shes still got some catching up to so, but she is rolling over and sitting up byherself. wont be long before she crwaling and i cant wait as that opens up a whole new world for them...

That's so great! Congrats on your sweet girl! It so true, that they just grow up too fast! My kiddos are only 2.5 years & almost 7 months, so I can't even imagine what it will be like to have teenagers yet!! :D