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RE: Join The '60 Seconds of Steem Social Media Party' & Help To Promote Steem On A Global Scale: Tomorrow 20th of February Starting From 10:00am EST!

in #marketing5 years ago

and they used to say their stake was only for marketing dont believe everything you are told especially when their is money on the line and i've found from experience that most that goes on the headlines on steem is fake news, much like the layoff of 70% of staff due to funding when $30 million was withdrawn in 2018 by steemit inc alone lol

and the interest would be in saving investors from being dumped on,burned,scammed


Steem is not Steemit, Inc. It's much more than that. You're mixing up a couple of things here.

But I guess this is not about Steem, it's just about yourself. You only needed a platform where to address your personal frustration. Sorry that I can't provide you with a stage here :-)

All the best for you

lol about me and my scamming
the majority of STEEM which dictated rewards and control of the platform was instantly created at zero cost and once the rest was farmed up in accounts the system rules were changed to ensure power was held and that noone could get support of community to disrupt the top 20 witness by earning on platform and t=so that they could launch their paid upvote bots to ensure they collect the majority of the liquid rewards from the platform
when as you can see a front end could easily implement a sidebar or other location on page to display paid promotions without skyrocketing inflation obsleting flags and devaluing the platform

but yes its about me

so let me get thinks straight

you think creating millions of steem for zero cost is fine and does not devalue(inflat) the rest ?

how about director of steem ben johnsons account @ben receiving a deposit of 8kSP and powering down 4 million
then withdrawing 2 million and making a comment 90% of his wealth is in steem because he believes in it so much
why the constant lies from steemit inc?