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RE: My personal experience so far working with HIVE and Ignite // UPDATE 5 πŸ‘·β€β™€

in #marketing β€’ 3 years ago (edited)

Well, now its time to change some stuff. I was the first with no prior connections with the current established lot to get their proposal funded. It can be done.

There is a hierarchy here.
Its a strange hierarchy where power is relinquished in order to not bare responsibility but influence maintained as a residual effect of power perceived by general users.
Never in my life have I seen anything similar.

That completely destroys the organizational structure here to a point its almost nonexistent while we have all the tools for it not to be.

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Interesting take. The whole thing is one big experiment but compared to where we were two years ago it seems light and day to me.

Interesting. Well, each ecosystem has it's own politics. I'm not surprised to see something diferent from the usual.