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RE: My personal experience so far working with HIVE and Ignite // UPDATE 5 👷‍♀

in #marketing3 years ago

There are plenty people who would volunteer time and effort to help any efforts that are organized but for this to happen you would need a core team of 4-5 paid individuals, even some part time who would draw up a full marketing strategy.

Target developers.
Reach out to influencers.
Create documentation for new users.
Have a cross platform presence.
Have a presence at tech fairs, colleges, job markets in developing countries.
Cover customer relations and problem solving.
have a direct link to witnesses where users experience can be listened to and acted upon.
Co-ordinate development between projects so that tools can be open sourced for the next team to build with.

Create a team of experienced people. Put together a plan. Put that to the community for support. Get some action going that will help to grow the eco-system.


If Ignite provides results, hiring them for a longer stint is a possibility to cover non crypto contacts while the onchain team covers those in the crypto environment.
Options are there... We have a MC of 200 mil. Theres hundreds of people available to us for different work.
Voluntary "heres and theres" are beneath us.