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RE: Join The '60 Seconds of Steem Social Media Party' & Help To Promote Steem On A Global Scale: Tomorrow 20th of February Starting From 10:00am EST!

in #marketing5 years ago

Well I wouldn't call it buying in when you spend 1 dollar for an account :-) If you don't wanna spend that 1 dollar, you're not worth joining this network IMO. Account creation on the blockchain comes with a cost and somebody has to assume it. If not the account owners themselves, then who? :-)

It's all about opportunities - whether you're willing to take it or not. We won't force people to come here. They just miss a big chance if they stay away.


Trust me, I got a bunch of earfuls when my friends left. They were not impressed when they can post in other places and make good money overnight. Several of them check on me to see if I am still here in this nuthouse.

It works for me, but many are not wanting to jump through the hoops. The words, "blockchain" and "crypto" are drawbacks to steem right now. It took me four months to make the leap after I heard about this place, and those where the reasons I did not want to come here.

They need more than $1 with the rc madness these days. I set up a second account in Jan and it was unusable until I leased 100 sp. I could do that from this account. Others would need to spend cash or find a benefactor. They will if they see the potential, and hopefully soon more will.