
in #math4 years ago

The red mirage scam. Realistic children books is a great idea to help introduce them to real challenges that kids run into as they move towards adulthood. They need to understand the challenges of drugs, alcohol, sex, work, life, marriage, careers, choices, addictions, how-to do things, how to grow up, how to figure things out, how to problem solve. Technochemical addiction.

Election 2020

Dems are trying to steal over 100 million votes in 2020 and we have to do all we can to try to stop some of that and also overcome all the fake votes and all the deleted votes too. Miley Cyrus on Joe Rogan. Stayed till next day. Mote.

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2020-09-02 - Wednesday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-09-02 - Wednesday
Published in September of 2020

Screenshot at 2020-09-02 10:46:46.png
Miley Cyrus on Joe Rogan

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Category | Community | Directory | Timeline | @JoeyArnoldVN | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @OatmealJoey


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.


Information You Can Gobble

Oatmeal High Council

03:06 PM - Join my Telegram Chat Here

JR Asked if California will or should tax the rich?

Ever heard of offshore banking?

That's my reply.

Where do all the taxes go?

If you tax a rich man, where does that tax go to?

Do you trust government?

Do you want government to get more money?

What services?

But which services specifically?

Why not have private roads?

Why would you not want a private road?

You would rather pay for the roads indirectly?

There are different ways to pay for things.

Would you rather limit the role of free markets?

The more you tax the rich, the less money the rich has to give to the average person.

When you tax the rich, then you get a video of Pelosi and her giant freezer full of chocolate ice-cream.

Many politicians are way too rich and they get rich from all the taxes.

Taxes turn a country into the 1930's fascist USA.

@excitingworldcryptos, JR, What percentage of taxes go to services?

But let's just give government even more money, never mind the lack of transparency and the lack of reporting as trillions of dollars or more end up going missing ever year or every few years in the United States alone in the 2010's not to mention previous decades on top of that, right, let's just trust them with even more of our money even as trillions of dollars end up going missing, right?

Who decides? Would you rather vote on those choices regarding which way we go in regards to the 9th and 10th amendments, wouldn't you rather have more transparency and accountability from government?

Think Gradually

One step at a time, instead of an all or nothing mentality, just do a small thing for now towards a blog for example or whatever it might be, don't be like, oh someday as tomorrow never comes as the idiom goes. One step at a time is a gradual perspective that creates eventual momentum full of juicy original oatmeal and yummy honey.

Regarding America

Michael Jordan was great in 1987. However, in the world of basketball, he still didn't have an NBA ring yet. There were problems, challenges, to face, to overcome. Well, to be more accurate, you can compare a team with a country.

Money Llama Writes

04:44 PM - Naomi Brockwell's Telegram Chat - @LamboLlama wrote:

I’m turning in my jersey.

Ever flipped off God and did what you wanted to anyway? I have.

Ever shook your fist up at God? I have.

Ever flat out told God off? I have.

Ever asked the question without much of an answer, “Are you real?” I have.

The government has nothing on knowing your every thought, action, or potential thought. “God knows your heart.”

Oh and he wants your money. Somehow “God” for owning everything and creating everything is really bad with money.

Try Christianity growing up. It’s a whole lot of fun.

Anyway 🖕 any form of government. If I’m bold enough to tell “God” to stick it where the sun don’t shine just imagine what I’d tell the government if they pissed me off.

Well I’m pissed off. I’ve seen what the U.S. government has been doing to my friends. Enough is enough.

I hate bullies.

Hey, Uncle Sam. Read these words very carefully.

“You’ve crossed the line!”

Thanks for letting me get this off my chest folks. This has been a long time coming.

:us: <—— This flag used to represent freedom. It’s a #%^*?!! lie.
My Reply
You should put that on a blog and in a video.

Reminds me of what happened on Fuller House when the New Kids on the Block sung to DJ for her birthday.

Make it into some kind of holiday like glasses day, if it is Naomi Brockwell's birthday.

Naomi Brockwell Holiday

Her birthday is September 4th, that is Friday, of 2020, or maybe that is a joke but let's assume it is.

If so, it could be made into a holiday like Sassy Day.

Naomi Adds

I like it. National jpop awareness day. Phone privacy hygiene day. Hug a ginger day. All good things to celebrate.

My Reply

I vote for hug a ginger day.


You Are What You Eat


Learn English You Can Eat

Math English

10:43 AM - Facebook

What is 9x9? If you forget, can you _____ 9x10 and then subtract 9 to get the answer?
A. multibuy
B. multiply

Miley Cyrus was a vegan until ______ brain was not working, meaning she had to introduce fish and omega into her diet.
A. she
B. her

Watch out for the technochemical ______ which are swelling in the brain, the DNA, the cells, changing the immune system from better to worse.
A. addictions
B. addiction

In Australia, ______ go door to door to arrest lockdown protesters.
A. policy
B. police


Long Division



Microwaves Suck

11:19 AM - Hive Blog

Microwaves changes the molecules in a unnatural way. Fire heats things up in a different way than microwaves do. It's a different way of heating things up, fundamentally. I wrote an article about it. Fire is better than microwaves, period.


11:21 AM - Hive

Yeah. Handsome a bit some do say about me. I made friends with my students. They talk to foreigners. They come to you. But some may try to steal from you. But that is normal to run into robbers.

Korea Vaccine Tyranny

11:24 AM - Hive

No mask at all. Covid is fake. Totally fake. Your government is killing you. You have to protest. You need to not wear masks. If you wear a mask, you are destroying your country. People write articles and make videos about these things. You are making the biggest mistake in your life and you will regret not standing up to tyranny. They will never stop telling you what you can and cannot do. It gets worse and worse as you submit to doing whatever they tell you to do. First, it is the mask and then it is the vaccines that will hurt and kill you. But they are trying to make you wear masks and take their vaccines.

Vaccines of Hell

11:29 AM - Hive

Some vaccines are better than other vaccines. On the other hand, there are also natural remedies and a variety of things you can do to prevent and correct. Now, prevention is better than correction. It's better to simply not run into problems. It's harder to correct problems afterwards. Vaccines now are the same as some of the vaccines from the early 1900's. Plus, you need to look at all the mercury and the baby parts they put in the bad vaccines. Bill Gates vaccines track you because it is a small computer and tattoo they put into your skin. His vaccines changes your DNA.

Bill Gates Sex With You

11:33 AM - Hive

Please don't go to the CDC website. Please use the word deflect again and please laugh at me. Please pretend that I am weirdo. Mister @SunLit7, don't think at all. STOP thinking about why Facebook would censor links to the CDC website. Pretend I'm MAKING IT UP. Yes. I made that up. That IS NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT happening. Please stop reading what I am writing. I am a professional liar. Bill Gates is Jesus. I am Satan. I suck so badly. I am a loser. Facebook did not censor CDC. No way. No way at all. You know I am full of bull. Please call CDC a liar. Globalists love you. Bill Gates wants to have sex with you.

Bill Gates Orgy With YOU YOU YOU YOU

09:45 PM - Hive

But it is fundamental to understand the differences between the different kinds of vaccines and other treatments that generally work better than vaccines. You need to know how many billions of dollars are sent to families each year to cover up for all the vaccine deaths. They send the money to the families to shut them up and this has been documented in documentaries going back many decades. Bill Gates was banned in India and many countries because of the people his vaccines were murdering. It's vital to understand what they put inside these vaccines. You need to understand the risks, the side effects which mostly includes autism and other things. There are better cures out there that the globalists do not want you to know about. There are cures to cancer and to many things in life.

Ubuntu Over Windows

11:23 PM - Hive

I use Ubuntu and there is a program called Wine that lets me use Windows programs on Ubuntu. I can also use Apple apps on Ubuntu too.

Communism Sucks Balls

11:27 PM - Hive

Communism means that the people on top make the shots. I don't understand why you change the definitions to things.


11:30 PM - Hive

A good way to sum this up with one word would be simply wisdom.

Over One Century of Fake News

11:32 PM - Hive

Because NY Times and others have always been fake news since the early 1900's and some even before that.


The 100

2020-09-02 - Wednesday - 12:06 AM - 12:49 AM - The 100 208

Trying to save him or save the group.

2020-09-02 - Wednesday - 12:50 AM - 01:33 AM - The 100 209

Is Finn still alive?


Joe Rogan

10:45 AM - Joe Rogan Experience #1531 - Miley Cyrus

Voice weathers like skin can scar and wrinkle. Miley Cyrus talks about how her voice got heavier as seen moved out of her teens and towards her young adulthood and beyond. She was in an episode of Black Mirror which was revealing. She was smoking since she was like 12.

Realistic children books is a great idea to help introduce them to real challenges that kids run into as they move towards adulthood. They need to understand the challenges of drugs, alcohol, sex, work, life, marriage, careers, choices, addictions, how-to do things, how to grow up, how to figure things out, how to problem solve.

What we write has power for better and for worse.

Realistic Children books and YouTube videos is an awesome idea.

Miley Cyrus was a vegan, 2013-2019, until her brain was not working, meaning she had to introduce fish and omega into her diet. Miley is 27 in 2020. Her show started when she was 12.

Technochemical addiction.

Modern Wisdom

12:54 PM - Stefan Molyneux Predicts The Outcome Of Biden Vs Trump 2020

Tell Molyneux that Trump won the popular vote in 2016 but over 20 million votes were faked or deleted or fabricated or lost or a series of different things and in 2020 they're trying to steal way over 100 million votes this time around.

Dems are trying to steal over 100 million votes in 2020 and we have to do all we can to try to stop some of that and also overcome all the fake votes and all the deleted votes too.

Red Guy

01:00 PM - Alex Jones Show - First Hour - September 2, 2020

They're promoting the red mirage for November of 2020 as a way of lying about the Trump landslide victory.

They survey 10 to 1 more democrats than conservatives when working on polls and surveys in their fraud at making it look like most people are more left of center.

In Australia, police go door to door to arrest lockdown protesters.

Not enough to know you have been poisoned. Must throw up the NWO. Must stick your fingers down your throat.

The 100

2020-09-02 - Wednesday - 09:51 PM - 10:33 PM - The 100 210

Little fight with Murphy.

The former black president said wither the mountain people or the grounders would kill them.

Super Gorillas

Looking for the city of lights.

2020-09-02 - Wednesday - 10:35 PM - 11:17 PM - The 100 211

Intense shower as they clean up the people they bring into the mountain.

Melany reminds me of Ernest.

Mount Weather


The 100

2020-09-02 - Wednesday - 12:06 AM - 12:49 AM - The 100 208
2020-09-02 - Wednesday - 12:50 AM - 01:33 AM - The 100 209

Joe Rogan

10:45 AM - Joe Rogan Experience #1531 - Miley Cyrus

Modern Wisdom

12:54 PM - Stefan Molyneux Predicts The Outcome Of Biden Vs Trump 2020

Red Guy

01:00 PM - Alex Jones Show - First Hour - September 2, 2020

The 100

2020-09-02 - Wednesday - 09:51 PM - 10:33 PM - The 100 210
2020-09-02 - Wednesday - 10:35 PM - 11:17 PM - The 100 211

10:00 AM - Up around that time. Cereal. left-over tea. Coffee. What is 9x9? Oh, what is 9x10 minus 9? It's 81. When a number on top is smaller than the numbers on bottom, during division in math, you might want to borrow.

Turkey lunch meat sandwich around like 2 PM. No oatmeal today. Coffee. Tea. Dinner around 5:30 PM, included rice and like grilled in a frying pan vegetables. 06:10 PM - 08:45 PM - mote and I tested it out for a sec, drip drip. Shower. Moved table in my room to the other side and now it is 09:49 PM.