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RE: Remembering my Daughter on her Birthday

in #memoriallast year

You've been in my thoughts and were again a few minutes ago.

I hope you're okay.

Utter bastards. I think citizens need a fund to hold "authority" figures accountable in civil court quite frankly.

The systems in place to do this only protect their own. And most of us can't afford thousands to do this either

This is why they remain untouchable. Deplorable.

I'm sorry your past got triggered. It is a very painful one.

I hope writing some of it and sharing it helps you heal a bit more. Although god knows something like this is not possible to recover from. It changes a person. And never fully ends. We do, however, learn to live with things like this. Hopefully even with some kind of acceptance one day.

Be patient with yourself and the journey. 🌸

I'd hold space for you anytime and if I had funds I'd take that hospital to court and make sure every person that never responded was retired for good!

Out. Of. Business.

People claim damages. What, I wonder, is a life and a lifetime of grief worth? There is no amount that could possibly make this "right".
