ABC - Always Be Cleaning

in #mentalhealth6 years ago


I thought of this acronym while cleaning up around the house. Inspired by Michael Scott's Always Be Closing phrase from the American version of The Office. Coincidentally, watching The Office helps get me out of my own head and forget my anxiety for awhile.

Managing anxiety each day feels overwhelming and despairingly impossible. One thing I've found that helps me remain even-keel is cleaning as I go instead of letting things get out of hand. Don't get me wrong, there are weeks that my house is a mess. Dishes and laundry need done, the bathroom needs cleaned, and food is rotting in the fridge.

A little bit of effort throughout the day goes a long way. While on the way to take my 4th anxious shit of the morning, I'll throw away a receipt I don't need and grab dirty clothes to put in the hamper. Wow, two things cleaned up that make my home look better and me feel less worthless.

I always have a better sense of well-being when my house is clean, or close enough to being clean. It took me about 26 years to realize that small habits like this make me feel less anxious and give me a sense of accomplishment. Even though the accomplishment is small, I consider it a step forward, especially when in the middle of a depressive episode.

The smallest task is overwhelming and fills me with a sense of dread on most days. Forcing myself to clean the house in small chunks encourages me to keep doing so and after awhile it stops feeling so exhausting.

What small habits do you have that help improve your mental health on a daily basis?