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RE: Ask Not What Steemit/Steem Can do For You; Ask What You Can do For Steemit/Steem - What Are Your Expectations For 2019?

in #mindset5 years ago

My prediction is that by the end of it, everyone will act like it was one of the worst years ever. That's been the trend with every passing year.

As far as Steem, it seems like it has literally almost nowhere to go but up at this point. I wish I could buy more of Steem straight up, but I've been buying it all the way down and am pretty cash poor at the moment.

Your suggestion is great, though. It's sooooo cheap right now. Buy it. And for heavens sake, don't stop posting just because the value of Steem is lower right now. The value of this platform isn't just financial. That's one downside to trying to sell something as a way to get paid. Yeah, you technically get paid, but it takes a long time to grow to the point where you get paid a lot. I've had a lot of people ask me how to be successful really fast, and then they get disappointed when I say that the only way to do that is to have some money to begin with.

If not, you'll have to start posting, and keeping posting. Especially comments. If you leave real comments (not just one positive adjective and an exclamation point) you will get some upvotes that way and the possibly the attention of people who are already further along on their Steem journey and can help you.

So in 2019, people should post more, and especially comments. That's my challenge to people and myself.