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RE: Hey, Minnows! Free Promotion to 2500+ FANS, PLUS a Chance to Win Free $SBD and So Much More.

in #minnowsunite6 years ago

Uhh, yes I will help everyone out and help you out a little in the process!!!

Just saw this since I have been stalking your page for a but and I love the idea of helping others. As I see you have some great core values I want to help as much as I can. :P

@Timbo here just lending a helping hand.

You asked for a link so here is a link to an article I think a lot of people will enjoy... well I hope they will because I put a lot of time into it. Had a lot of fun making it though because it was awesome to have the day off and get outside with the lady!


Last thing left is to start upvoting all the other posts and making sure everyone at least has a little something :D

Thanks for helping others, I see you do a lot of it. Keep it up my new found friend!


Hey! Great post. Spending time with the special one + spending time with animals = perfection (at least to me). Good luck on this contest (:

Thanks a bunch! It was an awesome time for sure!

Hey great comment! Thanks for stopping by and doing so much to support the cause! Great pic, looks like a fun time. If you have one person in your life that lights up like that when you are around, you are a blessed man! See you around.

Hey thank you very much, and she is amazing. I love her to pieces and am glad I have someone like that to spend my life with. With our first son on the way (Charlie) we will be very blessed as a family to have so much light, love, and life among us.

Thanks for the encouragement and for sure I am here to support those around me as I too from time to time need some of that support.... just as @papa-pepper he once upon a time gave me support that I needed and it kept me here on Steemit. ;)

Good on you. We have eight and going on twenty-seven years. It just gets better.

You have eight kids!? Wow! That is so awesome. 27 years as well. Wow how blessed you are indeed.

I am actually 2nd oldest of 7 and I see myself having a big family as well. I am very excited to be on the path that I am on and I pray it continues to grow... in favor with God and man.

I'm oldest of seven, four bros, three sis. I have four of each, from 22 to 8. It's amazing.

Wow! Incredible family you have! I hope my is just as grand... Wait... what does it feel like to tell people you are oldest of Seven and then to tell them you have 8 of your own?

HAHAHA! It sometimes blows minds. I get asked if I'm catholic, or mormon a lot. Not as much as I used to. It can be a fun conversation. Some think I'm crazy, others are like you.

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