
This post has been resteemed from MSP3K courtesy of @isaria from the Minnow Support Project ( @minnowsupport ).

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Yes not only in Steemit, even in real life, the true value of a man is not the thickness of his pocket but the value he adds to human life.
What shall it profit a man to gather all the riches in this life and still lose his soul in Gehenna?

Wise words my friend.

I joined the MU a while back and I have done quite a lot of reading, still so many things to learn, posted a recap of my first month here compiling a list of what I think was what I had learned so far, still a small minnow in the vast ocean but I don't feel alone and so overwhelmed anymore.

@isaria I've upvoted this lovely lady here... she is an awesome musical bard, you would looooooove her stuff... as a matter of fact, she might even become one of your favorites...

Ok, im done shilling Yidneth...


I caught you talking well behind my back? Lol
Sweet @isaria already featured me in one of her posts.
Thank you both. Also @swelker101 lent me some temporary sp, I did not even know when it was done, hope I can use use it only until tomorrow to stream as I will be at home likely able to post. And just what I say in the post, thank you all.
It was all unexpected and you've made me feel welcome.

Looooove your music!!!!!

You are as sweet as talented. Thank you.

That's wonderful....I'm glad that Minnow University has been helpful to you!

I'm so excited to learn about this! I'm looking forward to learning more about MU. I'm actually trying to get a skill-share coop off the ground with this very same idea of creating value. Do you know if something like that already exists? If so, I'd love to be a part of it!

I think there might be, but I'm not sure. I'll talk to Shane and find out. I hope you can join us for our radio show tomorrow night!

Great post and very true as well even if you wallet isn't very big there is plenty of ways to help in this community and this is another reason i love this platform so much :)



Thank God my day job allows me to get on Steemit (actually I have to log onto, steemit doesn't work, but the latter is better anyways), and I can also get on discord at work. But it is difficult to "turn off" the networking side of my personality when I go home and just make the comic. Thing I've learned about networking on steemit is to simply seek out blogs etc that interest me and contribute whatever I can to commenting and liking. And seek out discords (still have not tried steem chat) where I can contribute and help others in some way because it that always ends up benefiting me in the long run to do so. I'll check out the Supporting Steem Creators Discord. I've enjoyed getting to know people and building relationships. It's not all about winning the game, although I would never discount that aspect of it.

Sounds like you have a great approach!!! Also, check out the Minnow Support Palnet Discord too!

Wow if everybody had your mindset the world would be a amazing place

Thank you <3

This is a great post. We all supposed to help each other especially here on this platform of steemit. Thanks for the great work posted here. Keep more valuable posts like these keeping up.

Hey @isaria, great post! I enjoyed your content. Keep up the good work! It's always nice to see good content here on Steemit! :)

Thank's for the information. restemeed and upvote

Hello isaria i have vote u and follow u pls vote me and follow me pls

Thank you so much! 🤗