Qurator's Mischievous Mondays | Infinity

in #mischievousmondayslast year (edited)


Welcome to Qurator's Mischievous Mondays!

This will be a weekly competition that we will be hosting every Monday. We want to see a little more engagement and fun when it comes to some of our competitions so this will be a simpler and shorter competition. Easy to enter, but maybe not so easy to win. ;) This competition will be similar to the Monday Missions we had a long time ago, but instead of writing posts to enter we will now consider only the comments and answers on this blog as your entry to win.

Why Mischievous?

We all could use a little fun in our lives. We would even say that we deserve it, let loose a little and have a go at making everyone laugh or think a little, even if it is a little over the top or pure silliness. Go all out and let your creative juices flow.

Make up your own word right now, and write its definition. Don’t forget to use your word in an actual sentence!

This week's theme : Infinity

If you could have one thing that never runs out or gets depleted, what would it be. a simple example would be a pen that lasts forever or a coffee mug that never gets empty. what would your infinity item be?

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  • Write a comment in this post, your comment will be your entry.

  • Only comments that fit the theme and style.

  • It has to be done by you, no plagiarism.

  • All entries will be reviewed by the Qurator team.

  • Only one entry per account.

  • Deadline: By the end of Friday

  • Your entry will not count if you aren't following the above-mentioned rules.

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1st Prize
2nd Prize
3rd Prize
4th Prize
5th Prize
30% upvote
25% upvote
20% upvote
15% upvote
10% upvote

The winning comments will receive the upvote on their comment or a recent post/comment if their comment already reached payout.

Last week's theme : Make it look bigger than it really is...

This can almost be seen as a photography challenge as you have to capture something and try to make it look way bigger than it actually is. Kind of like an optical illusion. So capture anything you want and make it look extra big!

1st Prize - 30% Upvote



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Congrats to the winners!

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The Qurator project is brought to you by:

@scrooger | @ewkaw | @ackhoo | @brumest

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Active Witness rank: 62


If you could have one thing that never runs out or gets depleted, what would it be?
For me the problem every time is the money in my wallet. For example, right now I am building a house. The only fear I always have is running out of money. Sometimes bricks are ordered, gravel, sand, cement, electrical equipment, and sanitary. There is always the fear of what will happen if the money runs out.
Apart from the house, I have many small wishes which are unfulfilled due to a lack of money in my wallet. For example, I want to get a good bike, I want to get a good laptop, I want to get a good mobile. All these wishes of mine are unfulfilled due to a lack of money in my wallet.
Also, I wish to have enough money in my wallet to distribute to the poor. The poor will disappear but the money will not disappear. Because I myself am from a poor family, I know how much trouble these poor people are in. Poverty can happen to anyone at any time, so we should take care of other poor people so that if bad days happen to us, someone else will help us.

I am very happy to join this contest this week. Good Luck to all participants.

The standard response would be unlimited wishes from my genie in the bottle friend. I believe they have rules against this according to the genie rulebook.

I'd love to have an endless grocery bag.

All I would have to do is think of an item and it would magically appear in it. This would be a standard sized bag so no bag that is big as a house and the items inside must be edible too, no cheating!

I'd have to keep this a bit of a secret because I'd be overwhelmed with requests if this gets out in the open. I would be visiting the local food bank often thinking of what they could use.

Spread the wealth or the food in this case 😀

Necesito que mi quincena sea infinita......

Definitivamente, seria algo maravilloso, con esta crisis económica tan terrible que atraviesa nuestro país Venezuela, esta es la solución, jajaj

Un salario de 6 dolares, con el que se supone debe comer una familia durante 15 días! por Dios! en mi casa somos 5, y, la única mujer soy yo! asi, que se imaginaran la cantidad de comida que se consume!

Con mi quincena infinita; comprar comida deja de ser un problema!

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  • My laptop battery needs to last for one infinity...

    ...in fact, there is a word for something that is always available and convenient. That word is "sporkilous."

    Ever since I put that infinity battery in my Microsoft Surface Pro 4 my drawing tablet has been totally sporkilous.

    Thank you @qurator and the team. chosen my post. I appreciate it. greetings😊😊

    This week's theme : Infinity
    If you could have one thing that never runs out or gets depleted, what would it be?

    My infinity item: HP #62 Tri-Color Ink Cartridge

    You see I've purchased enough Hewlett Packard ink cartridges this past 15 years and recycled them to last a lifetime. So, HP should reciprocate and send me a cartridge that lasts not just 750 color pages or 1,000 black and white, but to INFINITY.

    Researching my family history is a full-time job. But I do it cheerfully with love. Documenting, sorting, binding, is tedious. However, printing the information in booklet form my family members' keepsakes is another matter. I'm constantly running out of ink. Either the cartridge empties quicker than stated, or it becomes damaged before it's depleted.

    I have total about 50 boxes of research. I feel it's crucial to understanding and maintaining knowledge of our family and passing it on to the next generations.

    Thanks for the opportunity to join in this week.

    Good luck to all participants and have a good rest of your week.

    Take care.

    I would Choose fuel for my vehicle, i live in an oil producing country and we can't find fuel to fill the tank, there is always kilometric vehicle queues to fill with the most expensive prices, routes are always short, because we can't afford the fuel that resellers offer nor making the vehicle queues, so if it would be infinite it would be great.