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RE: Qurator's Mischievous Mondays | Beware the snail

Thank you for the 5th place, and congrats to all the other winners: @sidekickmatt @justclickindiva @thethingsandways @ismartboy

Beware the snail:
Yes, I'd take the money! And the first thing I'd spend it on (after putting $9 million into HBD savings) would be a 24/7 body guard team to watch out for me. What good are body guards against a snail that can't be killed, you might ask? Their job will be to catch it in a glass jar and put it on a plane to Antarctica. Then I'd do some research on how fast a snail can travel... and whether they can swim or not. Let's say it'd take the snail 15 years to come back from Antarctica to where I am - then after 14 years and 11 months, when it has almost reached me, I'd just pack up my stuff and relocate to Australia, stay there some dozen years or however long it'll take, then perhaps try Alaska or one of the islands off Seattle, and from there to Malta, Hawaii, Iceland, Japan...
Getting both the means to travel and a good reason to do it in one package seems like a very good deal to me! Not to mention that I won't really have to hurry, I'll be able to explore and enjoy each new location thoroughly, maybe even learn a few words of the local languages and some new recipes!


Thank you mate and congratulations you too you coined this week topic very well. I appreciate it. Good luck 🤞