
This is hilarious!!!! I laughed out loud more than a couple of times. They nailed it. It is great that you can laugh at yourselves. If you weren't such superstars, they wouldn't try to imitate you. Thanks. I needed that.

Ahah this was mostly questionable but had a few funny bits. Either way good to have a laugh at yourself every now and then

Maybe it only seems to me or...does Max look very.....girly today? :D

Max Keiser - so famous they named a roll about him before his birth!

Imitation is the greatest form of flattery. Not sure about this though... L.O.L.!

BWAHAHAHA, I busted a gut!!

Maxine, really enjoy your reports. Keep it up, I would love to see the real Max K rant about your skits lol

Nice post about report .carry on

Stacey is investing in crypto babies :O I sincerely hope your not involved in this lol it's pretty disturbing especially at the end

Hi keiserreport

I really enjoy the content you share on your youtube channel. I have also followed you on youtube and watch your videos. :) keep uploading such more videos.

Thank you

👍☺ good friend

I upvoted you so at least you make some money off these wannabe twits.... How dare they!

now crypto babies

Do cardano :)

Hahahaha! Ace!

@keiserreport on cocaine confirmed. Great video

haha! this is crazy funny! My boyfriend and I are interested in the crypto couple idea. You guys executed so well! What's your relationship with RT?

Banker funded FUD. Funny first 30 seonds, then stalls into rubbish.