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RE: Shipwreck ICO-s?

in #money6 years ago (edited)

It has that whiff of age old scams about it .... without solid evidence of the wreckage, today you'd be able to get UAVs and all sorts in there and demonstrate gold was inside, and your rights to the salvage. Now, an ICO well equipped to find the wreck for real? I'd be interested in for speculation ... even if the job took years. False claims and speculation that they have found it without offering genuine proof? Scam! Playing on people's ever more insatiable get rich quick egos


Seems like it. I tried to Google more info about these so-called exchanged and projects, but came a bit short of credible information, perhaps due to a language barrier, perhaps due to it being an outright scam. Shipwrecks and treasure gets the mind imagining things though, doesn't it?

It's gonna pull some suckers in that still have too much early bitcoin, just like so many others did ...