
system is a scam

Thanks for keeping the information coming greg , cheers mike

Thank You, Gregory, Upvoted, and Resteemed. I am watching and listening, every day.

Thanks Greg!

buy gold and silver here and now with both hands.

Thank you Greg @marketreport for keeping us informed!

upvoted resteemed and commented

Yeah I re-steemed it because that's what i do..... What?
Crime in progress..... What?
Bullish bond sign.... What?

What? LOL

I was watching a Greg Hunter interview last week and the guy was saying that the Fed doesn't need to print up any more more for hyper inflation because they already did. This propping up the market every single day is insane!

Thanks Greg, Upvoted and resteemed. Closed the QQQ and SPY Calls and Bull Put Spreads today.

Fake markets. Fake. fake. fake. More rigging. Not lovely at all.

I heard you guys were ripping faces? Where do I sign up?

Why the drama Greg? The cup & handle had done exactly what it should do.

Looks like things are pointing towards a major shift come this fall. I don't trust that NK is truly interested in peace. It may be a head fake unless they lost their nuke abilities when things blew up some time back. Putin still has to do something to save face. It could get really ugly. I have been in strong disagreement with some of Trump's decisions, however still believe he is the best of the possible leaders we could have with our country as fractionated as it is at this time. It will be a most interesting year.
Upvoted and resteemed.

Hey @marketreport, great post! I enjoyed your content. Keep up the good work! It's always nice to see good content here on Steemit!