
Good one "Melt Up Markets"

Yes, I am with you to hold them accountable for the Fake News.

Stock buy backs are the sign that should wake the Sheeple up.

Have a great weekend.

Uhh great! You have my upvote and follow!

Greenspan's comments I believe were a very surpring admission. I do believe though that most of the population either did get the message or let it go in ear and out the other. It gets lost in the noise of the massive information flow. The people at the top ( the cartel) I do believe that it would be rude not to warn the sheep that they about to get slaughtered. That I believe is the reason that 2017 has been the year of the truth bomb. We are very close to the switch being flipped and the reset will be implemented on any given Monday morning. Great interview Greg 👍

The allocation of cash as it leaves the bond market is what you've been discussing for a very long time. I think it's quite interesting that Greenspan is coming out now and saying the same thing. Those who have learned from your financial advice are and will be properly positioned to protect purchasing power through dollar alternatives and capitalize on this market. Great interview brother!

thank you Greg

I am Groot! :D

I say cash out and get out of the casino before everyone recognizes the coming collapse! Thanks Greg, watching!


Look at what happened in Greece. They shut down cash withdraws. Then reopened and put a daily limit.
Any cash held in banks should be withdrawn NOW while you still can.
Any unpreserved amounts held in superannuation accounts should be liquidated into cash reguardless of the taxation sting you're going to suffer.
Pension funds that can be cashed out in a lump sum, do it.

Meh, let them have their pound of bleeding tax flesh and let them choke on it.

Again, look at what happened in the P.I.G.S nations.
It's the same central bankers who ripped the rug out from under the bank customers there
that will be ripping the rug out from under the rest of us when this thing bursts.
Anyone and any nation with exposure to the American petro dollar will suffer.

I am not invested in the market at this time. I say silver and gold and trading in the market. No long term investment in market . Greg I have silver I paid one dollar for a silver dollar.

Great post^^

20% on precious metals. Thanks for your view point.

I was a Licensed Stock Broker for almost 29 years. As of today I only own 1 Stock. That is the first time in my life that I have only had one stock. Once that stock is sold I may never ever buy another stock again. Like Greg I saw it all from the inside. If I were to invest any money now it would be in Physical Silver and asset I think is one of the most undervalued in the World.

I've been listening to Reluctant Preppers, for a couple of years. One of my favorites.

Greg we love you and this report tells it all and more need to see it so we will share it and re steem it and we upvoted

Good video Greg. I'm out of the market for the most part. Looking for deals on some real assets. @marketreport

Interesting post, thanks for sharing.

Good post. It is okay to invest but as always we have to measure the readiness and constraints in the future so as not to endanger for us, especially in taking a decision in investing a lot. Thank you for sharing here.

Thanks for the update as always Greg...

thanks for the in depth analysis.

Nice info thx for sharing..

Good work thank You!

Another great interview Greg!
Keep it up bud :)

I don't know that you can really protect yourself in a SHTF scenario. You can survive for awhile perhaps, but unless your name is Rothschild you will eventually be FUBAR like the rest of us. You will eventually run out of supplies...

As Always... thanx for the update. There's so much going on right now, it's hard to keep up. Keep the info flowing!!!

I have been a realtor for 45 years, and always prayed for one more bull market and swore the next time i will not piss it way. Yes, preparing home for sell now

I am not invested in the market today. I want to see what the market progresses decline and increase. So when buying and selling I can have a decent profit.

Put a resteem out there for ya. The wife says your the only one she believes on the economy. Good wishes

Remember, before determining the investment product, then we must first know what our financial goals and how long we want to save. Current economic conditions indeed invite a sense of anxiety. Fear of a financial crisis may have begun to haunt many societies. But, there is a surefire way of escaping the worries.

The value of the dollar is likely to decline every year due to inflation. However, the weakening of the dollar that this time happened is heaRemember, before determining the investment product, then we must first know what our financial goals and how long we want to save. Current economic conditions indeed invite a sense of anxiety. Fear of a financial crisis may have begun to haunt many societies. But, there is a surefire way of escaping the worries.The value of the dollar is likely to decline every year due to inflation. However, the weakening of the dollar that this time happened is headache.dache.

Just found an excellent podcast to listen to for my drive up to seoul this afternoon!

Interesting how it could also affect population ad mortality in addition to the pocket book. Thanks for sharing. - Troy

Stockjockey's comment was profound! Wow! Thanks for sharing brother and thank you Mr. M. As always much appreciated!

upvoted and resteemed

Jeez, Greg, you own silver, gold, platinum, and lead? No wonder it took you 3 days to move 3 blocks away. :-)

I am sure 5 years from now we can look forward to sister Yellen postulating her retrospect from a beach chair in the Mediterranean (or mountaintop in the Alps?) - good times...

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I like your analysis' and look forward to hearing more on the US dollar

nice Video. Thanks For Share.

Storing bullets and beans. Americans deserve what is coming

nice video