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We also did get a crossover on the MACD on the bullish green candle printed on the 17th of May. It seems to me that the MACD can support a decent rise in price for Gold at this point.

I agree with Greg. Think silver is the better play. With an 80% correlation and silver / gold ratio favoring higher silver prices. Silver looks like the one.

I've heard the gold/silver ratio, out of the ground, is in the 8:1, now, as opposed to 11:1, historical. True?

What about silver?

Silver leads PM breakouts. Shorts are now covering both gold and silver. Over 50k silver short contracts covered this month with all time record shorts.

I believe gold leads the breakout and then silver gets turbocharged.

That would be excellent but i am not going to get my hopes up just yet

Yep....It's hard to get too excited when: (a) the price of Silver is manipulated and (b) we've heard this so many times before.

But it will happen one day....

Time to load 5GOL and 5SIL via ISA. BTW - is there anyone here from UK?

Thanks rademarko. I currently keep the physical silver.

I have physical, but is not as liquid as paper and the other thing is that 5GOLD and 5SIL I'm holding under ISA - tax free gains ;)

Hi radekmarko I don't have an ISA and have very little knowledge of it. If it is a pension fund then I think that all pension funds are a risk if govs/banks decide to raid them. I personally don't trust anything paper as they probably don't really exist just like your money in the bank. Correct me if I am wrong.

I am an Irish Citizen residing in NY USA. Pretty close haha

Guys be sure to follow my blog for silver calls!

I give weekly calls every Sunday!

Cool followed.

Silver Stackers Unite! FOLLOW EVERYONE YOU LIKE AND SUPPORT STEEM so we can make it BTC/Ag(Gooooold) big!


Of course, silver will follow

I assume silver will be there too. Let's hope they will start losing control and we get a higher high.

Yes, what about silver, and pallatium closing in on platinum.

Can go high but not highest.

The dollar will begin its 18 year cycle with a 9 year downturn period to the eurocurrencies as it always has done. This will probably be very bullish for precious metals.

Check out this post for more on the cycles of weakening US dollar and the current state of the dollar.

I like your channel @sjovmaiin, nice work there. Subscribed :)

Not catching up with bitcoin

Yeah bitcoin seems trump lately id really like to learn how to invest in it

Doesn't have to. These are 2 different instruments. 2 different fan crowds.

I'm a big fan of both ;)

The silver to gold ratio is pretty close to the all time lows that marked the beginning of the last big bull market. I think we will have a breakout sometime this year.

I agree with your statement and I hope it's sooner than later as I would like to see my silver get some real gains!

Agree...the Fed's Bullard already mentioned QE. The PMs run this summer as printing goes nuclear again to save the "market."

Great video Greg. Money is flying into cryptos right now, with most of the top 10 showing double digit gains. Money is looking for safe havens, and none better than the barbarous relic Gold and his good buddy silver.

I know that gold will move higher because it is so undervalued in debt terms and production costs. Likewise silver. I still don't understand how we can read charts and know that what we assume to be correct is correct when the system is so manipulated.

Greg, you said : no more videos for this week! you were going to the pool work on your tan this weekend. I am soooo disappointed... lol!

I hope u are so right on this one Greg, been waiting for this. Thanks

I hope you are right! (I believe you are).

I'm liking the music.

It's the latest love-making hit. Download it on i-tunes.

we love you greg, i dont know anything about stocks but i still love you, do you expect silver to move up now too??? silver is the poor man gold, i need that to do well, i dont own any gold, cant afford it

Oh yes. And I love you as well, moreover I GOT YOUR BACK.

Yo Greg, i tagged you & sgtreport in a post on my page called The 2nd Law Of Thermodynamics, give it a look👍🏻

sweeeeet i love me some silver and starting to think i wasted my tax return on a silver pipe dream hahahaha thank you so much, i watch all your videos and always give thumbs up and upvotes to you. thanks again

I got a sexy hairy back. U got that too?

Another great vid, Greg! Thanks for bringing me to Steemit!
I wrote my first article on Steemit. It's focus is on finances. Could someone please upvote and resteem it? It needs help. lol I would appreciate it.

Greg, I've watched a few of your youtube videos before and think you have a good macroeconomic perspective. I know a lot of you guys in metals/stocks are very new to the bitcoin market. I've been trading bitcoin for a long time and want you to read my bitcoin "fair price" analysis. It has a lot of information in it about the bitcoin market you might not be aware of:

Greg, I see people talking potentials for bitcoin and ethereum in the tens of thousands. Once the manipulation on silver/gold end, do you think they will catch up in value to bitcoin/ethereum?

Nice work on those charts, Greg ! And the music is a nice addition too.

Gold should go higher, but anything is possible Central banks hate gold and will do anything to suppress it. Today fundamentals don't even matter. It's still nice to have the anti-debt instruments like gold and silver.

Guess who's gonna take a call option on GLD next trading day !

The more They Meddle, the more We Metal.. That's precious..

I too think Gold goes higher. But when and how? How can we use technicals to forecast price movements when there is no real market and Gold is highly manipulated? And also, I need to see Saturday Greg appear on these vids please! But love the Steemit music.

The credit freeze is starting, housing prices are starting to crash! :)

I am in no hurry for metal prices to rise. When metal prices start rising it will be harder for me to make purchases as a middle class citizen.

Is Silver Going To Go Higher Too Or Are They Going To Keep It Bang Down By The Hammer ?!

I really hope gold goes up, but I like silver more. However silver is such a small market, it is easily manipulated. For the past weeks, I have noticed that even when gold goes up, silver still goes down; and when silver goes up, silver stocks still go down. I am getting super frustrated that no one is doing anything about it!

Great article Gregory. I think that gold is definitely undervalued at the moment. jbcoin

Greg Thank you for the update

it will interesting to see it all

Great update video. Thanks! Sure hope it does go higher. And hopefully silver will go in tandem with it.

Well i cautiously invested more into some of my gold/silver mining positions recently, so this was music to my ears, haha.🎶 Cheers man, resteemed👍🏻

I like these 2 minute videos! The music rocks too!

Yeah, the charts look good but more importantly chart or no chart gold will go up a day, a week, or a month. We will have our day.

Thanks again for all your help putting this information out there Greg to help us all out

Here is an interesting interactive chart if anyone wants to explore gold supply and demand some....

Personally, I use so more advanced stuff but this should help anyone wanting to wrap their heads around at least one small end of it.

Thanx... re-steemed

Killer sound-track! Oh.....,, so was the report.

Thought, do you think Silver will ever be worth more than Gold?

Yes, yes it is...much higher...and Silver tags along for the ride!

Thanks for your time Greg. I just bought gold and silver for the first time last week, it was very exciting, considering EVERYONE I talked to about it told me I was crazy to do so. Thinking about getting some bitcoin too but need more advice and hesitant to do so because of Peter Schiffs comments about it.

Don't worry about negative comments for Bitcoin. Just buy it while you can.

If you people think you're crazy doing something, then it's probably the right thing to do! Shiff telling his readers and listeners to avoid Bitcoin is bad advice, IMO.

I have been waiting on this move, so i'm ready for this up leg. Thanks Greg!

Rip the face off the gold market.
Rip the face off the Bitcoin market.
Rip the face off the Rip-ple market?

Dang, short and sweet. Love this mini-video. Great chart, nice captioning to tell us what it all means. Thanks again Greg@

I agree with you Greg, PM's are going up!

Resteemed you thanks Greg for the hard work. I am starting to have some coin now on Steemit thanks and getting following.

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