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Great video Greg. The action in this the market makes no fundamental or technical sense whatsoever. It's a clown show. I had to quit watching the daily financial channels. I'll watch a little bit, but most of the mainstream analysts can't believe the bile they spew, and if they do really believe the crap they peddle they need to call the men in white coats to come take them away. Metals are up now, but they'll get smacked in short order, which I'm fine with, I'll just buy more. Have a great weekend brother and go get some sun! :) Great video as always.

When will this corpse rot?

again thank you and you are right to call this that way and we do trust you more than those on the main stream media and we upvotd this video too

I actually love watching the Dollar move lower and lower by the day. So nice.

Gold seems to be breaking out of a long-term DownTrend/Triangle. I hope this is the beginning of the end to the Gold and Silver Manipulation.
Thanks Greg!

They are killing the dollar. That is the plan. They need to introduce a world currency that is gold based to replace the dollar. Bitcoin and its contemporaries are tests to see which one will be used. It is manipulation all over the place. - Thanks Greg

Absolutely awesome video @marketreport full of knowledge and full of facts.

The USD is under so much pressure that my local currency (CAD) is starting to rise against it. Almost time to book a vacation to Florida! At this rate of adjustment, I should be able to make the NASCAR final in Homestead with Canadian dollars on par!

The dollar doesn't seem like it will stop dropping. It is getting absolutely slaughtered.

Eyes on the Dollar...Hit Again!

Killing that Dollar.

Dollar JoeJustJoe to the rescue! :-)

What do you think about bitcoin cash?

My opinion is that Bitcoin Cash protocol edits should have happened a long time ago. Like the split in Ethereum, both block chains are going to hold a value, when transactions on BTCcash get cleared in minutes without the thousands of unconfirmed transactions we see with the current protocol, people will start to shift, especially the merchants that suffer waiting for purchases to clear. Ultimately though BTCcash though faster than Bitcoin, will still lack the ability of Litecoin and DASH for rapid transactions, and will find it hard to maintain a secure mining network. Why spend the power(electricity) to mine 12.5 coins worth $30 when the same effort could earn you $2500/coin.

I would like to hear some thoughts on this also.

Did you see that coinbase said that they will not adopt it and plan to continue only with BTC? I think that is significant.

Bitcoin Cash is a short of a lifetime if you could actually short it. Do they actually trade those futures in BTCC? Now trading above $380? I mean WOW! What a windfall if you could actually just make a bet that it sees a particular price on the day it actually starts trading. Do you know any way to do that?

Thank you for the update

Go go go ....

Upvoted and Resteemed again. Your videos are always informative and great stuff.
I do not believe the FED one bit and I am curious if they are actually done with raising rates. If they let it correct to fair value, it would be cataclysmic and would collapse completely; my thoughts.

nice to see the metals rising at last

Here's the part of that thesis that I can't reconcile. The Fed is no friend to Trump, if not an outright enemy. I have never bought in to their official politically neutral position. In the end, they are making Trump look good by murdering the dollar and cranking the market up. Why would they do that? What is the motive there? My bottom line to that is that there may be something going on behind the scenes that is forcing their hand. That may be a bit simplistic for such an analysis, but getting to the motive is important.

Thank you for update. I am going to be on the sideline. Shorting market is probably right bet, but I just can not pull a trigger. Gonna wait to buy on pullback.

Upvoted and Resteemed.

The dollar is gasping for air! Thanks for the updates brother! Keep up the awesome work!!!

I like seeing the $ going down. This what is going to happen in the long run. The petro Dollar will no longer be # 1 currency when china starts buying oil in there currency which will then be convertible into Gold.

Okay, I am ready and willing to watch this market fall. If you are right, I will be prepared for the market to melt down.
Thank you for the video.
Enjoy your weekend. Getting some sun is a great plan. Look forward to your info and videos on Monday. Thanks

Yes, the pm's should be multiples higher and at some point in the future they will be, no? That is the reason we stack today? To xfer wealth to the future??

LOL Go get some SUN!! Enjoy the weekend!!

Alway a pleasure to hear your updates.

Thanks for the update Greg. I continue to wait for the fall of the market.

The FED should FALL! They are killing it as they should. Kill the US dollar and save the planet in these fake markets.
The Dollar will continue to melt away this year to keep commodities up.


What does that mean??

Thats what Drago (Russian) said to Rocky in Rocky IV or V

@marketreport I Just purchased some silver im long silver and gold upvoted, resteemed.

Ripe to fall. Yes, take a rest.

Thanks Greg, great video, have a great weekend.

thanks again for the video. good info.

I think one troy oz .999 Silver Eagles, under $20, is best investment going.

Where do you get them? I am paying $30 on eBay, but only 1 or 2 at a time.

Local coin shops, JM bullion, APMEX,

On Ebay, when searching anything , click sort: low to high (price)

JM bullion has been very reliable for me with good quick service. They have Free Shipping but require $100 min order.

Continue to stack!!!!

Dollar continues it's death dance....

Any info / opinion on the bitcoin "fork"?

Your explanation about the Fed is correct. They're killing the dollar with easy money.
I'm glad you said they will hold off on reducing the bond balance sheet until next year. I didn't know how they could do that and continue the assault on the dollar.
Have a Great Weekend.

Thanks for the update, enjoy the weekend by the pool!

Lots of the traditional stock and bond money seems to be looking for new homes and finding shelter in BTC .

Thank you for the commentary today. Enjoy a relaxing weekend!

Dollar up, dollar down, the markets just keep moving higher.

Always appreciate your insights on the dollar Greg!

hope PM will have a good 2017

Keep on stacking, silver and gold are still a bargain price in my opinion! Thanks for the great info @marketreport

Same ol song and dance

Why listen then? Or are you just referring to the market?

JM Bullion, has a weekly sale, starts on Mondays, that are usually pretty good.

I realize you've been spending some time out by the Pool, so when you come in and check out your Steemit Replies, I hope you find this one... You're able to reach way more people than I can, so if you have a little free time to read a few of my latest posts and get back to me, I'd be very pleased... Thanks

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Upvoted & ReSteemed. Your excellent ongoing commentary of The Financial Insanity is much appreciated.
US$ downmove from very overvalued peak early 2017 is only ~10% from DXY ~103 to ~93 SO FAR...
It's probably a managed move by the Exchange Stabilization Fund - a dark pool that lurks in shadows behind Fed puppet show - both to avoid a crash in their system & to support stock bubbles. We have at least a US$ fall to DXY 70 to go... so stocks could remain pumped up awhile yet.
But €uro & ¥en are big parts of US$ DXY makeup and both are VERY SICK FIAT CURRENCIES themselves! ¥en strength correlation with gold strength is interesting... but WHEN gold/silver break free of dark pool Exchange Stabilization Fund methinks that correlation has to be thrown out the window. Both ¥en & €uro strengthening this last week. They may be blowing off their tops. Likely to be a US$ rebound. All managed by central blankers to avoid any crash.
Fed rate hike in Sept. on the cards... they exist in DozyDisneyLand. That'd put brakes on US$ fall & send stocks into correction.
But remember BIG mega$ is in derivatives... this, methinks, is why VIX (volitility) has been extremely low... 'cos slight moves in markets cause far bigger moves in derivatives which are used by PTBs to manipulate markets I.e. stability on upside of bubble-pumping.
So what's gonna cause market bubbles to pop? - They're in very hard, brittle, fragile states... methinks you're correct to point to the US bond market. The coming debt-ceiling fiasco approaches at the same time as historically volatile fall period for markets when traders return from dozy summer hols.
We have August when a rare full eclipse draws a dark shadow right across USA...
China & Japan may increase their pull-out from US bonds... volatility could shake up massive derivatives markets grown-too-fat on lazy/dozy/complacently low volatility... like a massive tail wagging on a relatively small dog... dog-gone market will get shaken wildly. P'raps China, with Russian backing, will make a move to pull out of US bonds over a US debt crisis, or even over further criminal actions by the "deep state" & its "dark pool" in the Middle East where its petro$ empire is collapsing?
This fall is building up to BIG MOVES. August may be the last calm before The Storm.
Gold & silver ended this week on critical chart resistance points. Will they break out higher next week?
Methinks PTBs still have quiet summer markets to knock them back down through August... so i'm looking for pullbacks in gold & silver when Asian markets open on Monday.
Gold may get pushed down to US$1,180~1,200 during August into early Sept. (Now about US$1,268)
Silver could see US$15 or below. (Now about US$16.78)
One final derivatives slamdown of precious metals could come with a bounce in US$ as Fedspeak hints at rate rise in Sept. Which they may well do! UK may well raise rates next week too! Such moves by the Fake Money puppet manipulators would prime the gunpowder for an enormous market blow-up come Sept. And IF it somehow gets contained or managed by the PTBs, then its likely to blow again come New Year and early 2018.
The main things to avoid are US$ bonds and US$ digits in a bank. US$ cash in hand could be VERY USEFUL! And of course, gold coins. But you are very correct - silver is now a bargain and likely to soar in value relative to gold from current 75/1 ratio to at least 35/1...
Vast majority of sheople are grazing on very thin pastures during the current, eerily quiet summer...
But their PTB shepherds must now be planning the best way to fleece & slaughter them for their own fat profits THIS FALL. However, when the pyramid-scam of world financial structure comes down, so does the headstone & its "eye of Horus". See the back of a US$ bill of debt... and wonder who is the "In God we trust"...

Nice info in the movie, keep it up

Gregory, "Head of the International Monetary Fund Christine Lagarde says the organization may move its headquarters to Beijing, China." Is this new news, I just heard it.

I am your follower :) and u know that ? your posts are super, post more like these! @ronaldmcatee

thank you

You enjoy your weekend too sir , and thank you for your service . The truth is hard to find , and your a great truth warrior ❗️👏👍🏼❗️

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