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RE: (VIDEO) This Malignant Debt Based System Is THE Greatest Threat To Human Existence. By Gregory Mannarino

in #money7 years ago

I completely agree that debt is one of the greatest threats to society. Imagine in 20-30 years if the US started attacking countries and wiping them off the map, not because of the riches in oil that we might exploit... but because of the amount we could erase.


interesting concept - never thought of that .. but they would have to borrow money to go to war anyway - so we would still SOMEONE for the debt we are trying to wipe out. You all should know by now that the way the current monetary system is set up - it is physically impossible to pay back all of the debt. ALL of our currency is borrowed - in order to pay it back , we need to borrow another dollar. Think about it - if the federal reserve only created $100 dollars - and loaned it to us - and we have to pay it back with interest - we give them the $100 -
where does the interest come from? in order to get another few dollars - we have to borrow some from the federal reserve - and the negative feedback cycle continues.... it can NEVER be paid back....