Invest on positive speech and thinking because it's profitable

in #motivation6 years ago

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Speak positive

Making use of optimistic words in conversation daily have the potential in sparking up fire to your productive advancement. Make positive self-talk work for you because it can affect your perspective and boost you up. Athletes use positive self-talk to reach their personal best as it has great impact on their confidence.

Most great leaders today at one point or the other employed positive thinking and speech to help boost their self confidence when they are down. It is normal to feel defeated going down the lane of life because you will encounter challenges, trials, setbacks and many more. You have to remain positive and speak positively. You alone can choose whether to continue or to quit.

Because you failed on the first attempt doesn't mean you are a failure. You are a failure only when you quit trying. That doesn't mean you have to die trying but you just have to Push Until Something Happen

Don't let negativity in

Most times the fowl and negative words that people employ and take as language lifestyle are been motivated by the nature of the society they live or their associates. In this vein, if you fall in this category, you have to start by practicing how to use positive self-talk for self improvement. It is absolute practiceable just like practicing how to use an instrument or going to sports training. It won't be easy to start with but will get better with time.

Speaking positive shapes our lives for the better as words seem very powerful. It also improves our cordial relationship with people and enhances our enthusiasm level which causes us to develop rapidly.