For whatever reward you see others enjoy, do not envy them; a price was already paid for it and sacrifices were made. When someone harvests fruits from their farmland, just know that they had already planted the seeds before. If you want to harvest what they did, then you have to have planted what they did. The prize is only possible when the price has been paid. Anything you want to achieve - your dreams, goals, etc, will require you to invest your time, energy, and resources, in order to get it. Anything you are not willing to pay the price for, then you are not ready to get it. The people that have succeeded at various levels did something. If you want to achieve a similar thing, then be ready to also pay similar price.

You have to understand that success is not something that happens by accident or by mere luck, but by sacrifices, determination and hard work. Even the time you think that someone is lucky, you may not know the kind of hard work they have put in behind the scene. Do not just depend on things to happen for you by chance, try to take your own destiny in your hands and do the needful. A lot of people are also wishing the same thing as you are, so wishes alone cannot deliver the success to you; you need to work it out. Remember that it is your action that will deliver to you the kind of result that you want.
When you see an athlete preparing for a major tournament, you will understand what it means to pay the price. Of course, they know that the same prize they want is also being contented by others, so they have to put in their best to prepare for it. When Hussein Bolt shared about his training routine before the Olympics, people were shocked. He put in long hours and long miles, just to train for the Olympics. The same Olympics games that he later set the world record to become the fastest man. It did not come to him as a wish or just luck, but he had prepared extensively and paid the price. No wonder he did excellently well in the competition. When you have paid the required price for success, it will become easy to achieve it.
You will agree with me that even in academics, you did not just wish for good grades, you have to follow it up with hard work - reading, studying, taking lectures, etc. The same way you took your studies seriously to enable you to get good grade and to come out with flying colours is the same way you need to put in efforts in other areas of life to succeed at them. Anyone who promises you that the journey to success is smooth and easy, or that you do not need to pay the price for the prize, is not being sincere with you. If the work you are putting in does not seem to get the desired result, then you need to try differently but do not stop trying.

For you to achieve success, you need to make perseverance and patience your ally. Perseverance; not giving up and to keep pressing on, then patience; to wait for the result as you put in the required work. You cannot plant and harvest in the same day. When you plant, you have to exercise patience and wait for it to mature. In the same way, when you have fulfilled the demands of success, it may not get delivered the same day, but it does not mean that it will not be delivered. This is why patience is a very vital requirement for the achievement of success. The price that you paid also needs patience to deliver. That you have fulfilled the requirements of success does not mean that you will get it the same day.
In the course of the life's journey, you have to understand that challenges will come because it is also part of the journey, but do not allow it to consume you, neither should it discourage you from taking steps. No matter what happens on the way, always keep your focus on the destination and not on what you see on the journey. If you are driving for example, and you stop to look at anything that passes, then you will not get to your destination. In the same way, do not allow distractors to shift your focus from your goal.
Thanks for reading