
Hi @waphilip, I really enjoyed your video! I've gone through multiple purges like the one you describe having yourself recently. It's always such a good feeling once it's done, but it can be a hard exercise. There's always the question, "Am I going to regret giving this thing up someday?" Luckily, I've found that I very rarely regret it.

Hey thanks for watching!

That's good to hear because I was def feeling some type of way when I starting throwing things away haha

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Oh snap! Thanks a lot!

I'll set up a wallet when I get a chance and get back at you!

Appreciate the support!

wow dental school that is amazing :) awesome that you are decluttering and making way for new beginnings :)

Yeah it's been a rollercoaster, but I'm happy to finally be moving forward!

Thanks for stopping by!

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