in #motivation6 years ago (edited)



I’m a young girl, but life has taught me some reasonable lessons within this short time of my life, what I share here is as I’ve tried to live my life and I think it’s wise to share it on steemit, I might help someone with it.

Most times in our lives, we do go through so many experiences and emotions as a result of our interactions and relationships with others, it could be from family and loved ones, which sometimes cause some emotional damages to us.

I use to fall victim of such feelings because of not having the kind of people that suits my life. Until I realize that our lives are like trees, then i was able to stand my ground for myself, I learned how to become my best lover, how to let go, how to forgive my self, and how to nurture good people that comes my way or into my life.

Had we not loved ourselves at all, we could never have been obliged to love anything. So that self-love is the basis of all love.
Thomas Traherne

People thought that self love is selfishness and a sin, but they seem to forget that no one can give what he or she doesn’t have, even the scriptures said; and I want to put it here the way it was said;

And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

No one can love another without first of all have love him or herself, therefore, when you feel rejected and downcast, remember one thing; remember that you’re love, then take that understanding and build your confidence in yourself.

Your life is like a tree.


Have considered the components of a tree? A tree 🌲 can said to have many parts that made it what it is, like; roots, stem, branches, and leaves 🍁, each of these components has special way that the tree relates to them which we’ll still talk about.

So the branches, the leaves, the roots and stem represents different individuals in your life. Now let’s see how a tree relates to those parts.

Some people are like leaves in your life

A tree knows very well that the leaves can never stay around it forever, the leaves come into its life and looks so blossom as if their character never changes, but indeed, it wouldn’t take too long before the leaves shades away and leave the tree absolutely naked.

That’s how some people will be to you, so you’ll do yourself good when you position yourself knowing fully well that such types of individuals do comes people’s way.

Some are like the branches

These are the type that will not go out of your life without injuring you, they will leave you heart broken, they’ll leave a scar in your heart. That’s the behavior of branches at anytime they want to leave a tree, therefore, you should be at lookout for such individuals, don’t give them room in your life, it might be that you have such people already in your life, don’t worry, all you need to do is to be careful on how your expose yourself to them less they create big harm to your life at their departure.

The roots and the stem

These are the people that you look out for, one good thing about these people is that they’ll be there for you always, you don’t really need to play any game to please them, they already loved you for who you’re. They are not numerous in your life just like with a tree, a tree has only one stem that carries all those branches and leaves, likewise the roots which are also very few in number, hidden inside the ground, they don’t need praise of men, they feed everything on a tree, both stem, branches and leaves irrespective of being few in number.

I believe that by now you’ve understood what I mean, your life is in your hands to manage well, don’t let others love you more than you love yourself!

Thanks for reading.


I can care for you

Well said

lol dude smh. nice one @zealx