Motorcycle Travel Series by @velimir 'Miles To Go...' (Part #221)

in #motorcycle6 years ago (edited)

'Miles To Go...'


A ride in the sun. A fantastic feeling becomes me. Things are happening. What's more, everything around me looks like it's late autumn. The fallen leaves are still plenty and still crispy, for they have never been covered in snow. I stop just to revel in the sun. I can actually feel the warmth, what is not usual for January. In January we are quite lucky to even see the sun. And yet, here it is.

Looking at the road behind me, I feel good. Some things might have been done differently, some curves might've been entered on a better line, with a better lean. But, I came out of them and am not complaining. I entered and exited the way I was supposed to. What's important is that I'm still riding and hearing my dear engine revving. As for the past, I rode my way.

Then I take a look at the road ahead of me. Beautiful, curvy, full of surprises and challenges, just the way it should be. I cannot imagine myself giving up and lying down, saying yey to some vision of conformity, following rules and doing as told to. No mister, not the way I see it. We all need to be a little crazy, have enough bravery to cut loose and do exactly what brings the most inner joy to our hearts. As the man wrote: 'Miles to go before I sleep'.

Sometimes the solutions are simple. Like the tides or the sun. One only needs to recognize the right direction without too much thinking and just follow through. On other occasions, it is way better to think deep before opening the throttle and becoming one with the path which will become one's future. But, when thinking is done, then it's done. It needs to be followed by the mighty thunderous roar and consequent challenging of the miles in front of our wheels.

This beautiful weather got me thinking too much. My pensive reverie seems to never end. I don't mind, but its time to go. Miles are waiting. That specific feeling which can not be explained, replaced or revoked without being on the road. It is like a long-lasting gentle electric surge that makes one feel alive. Could tell you to ride but not going to. Each of us has own destiny to fulfil with just as much passion. Moving ahead beats it all.

Hm... Was I really writing about riding? :D

Enjoy your day! :-)

©2018 Velimir Kovačić All rights reserved.

All images and text published in this post are my original work. I encourage everyone to use own texts, thoughts and images as much as possible. Be yourself and stay yourself. This is a proper way to build I do not have respect for dishonest authors. Also, bloggers actually DO matter!

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I'd like to extend my gratitude to everyone who continuously supports both of my ongoing projects (Motorcycle Travel Series and Art Photography Series). Big thank you for enjoying the content and appreciating my effort. This is what is meant to be about.

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Note to my dear readers, friends and followers: Please understand that I am unable to answer all of your comments because if I was to do that, I'd not have any time left for creating the series and for all of my other Steemit-related work. The amount of comments is overwhelming. It is beautiful to see that my work is appreciated and that it inspires so many people. I read all of your comments before going to sleep. It is my evening routine. Thank you so much for your support!

There are 2 pages

It's another set of fascinating photos. Nice and shiny! Thanks for sharing.

I agree! Makes me want to get a motorbike again!

My contribution to this article is that @velimir has keep on trying is possible best in life which other people can make it if they follow their dream. Keep your best wishes and your biggest goals close to your heart and dedicate time to them every day. If you truly care about what you do and you work diligently at it, there's almost nothing you cant accomplish. @velimir i love your post

Hey what do you call a laughing motorcycle?

A Yamahahaha. :D

An my boss brings up an amazing and thrilling lines of poet combined with riding. Its amazing how you @velimir could cook up something from just riding a bike...

It is like a long-lasting gentle electric surge that makes one feel alive.

That right there is the passion. when you could go crazy about doing something you love and not be scared about who is going to interrupt or stop the flow...passion!

when you get to love what you, what you do becomes what you love, your passion.

Sometimes I also think to be able to live the challenge of life must act and be against the flow. Break away from all available pasilitas, because it will all make us spoiled and careless. Self-ability will die at that moment. Sometimes we have to wait for the rain to stop to see the rainbow.

Everyday I read your post and I learn something from it.Your post not only discuss about the beauty of the places you travel but it also gives us a motivation too.Your thoughts about certain things make us to change our views about the world and see it in a different way

Charitable. Velimir. You've beaten yourself. The photographs are the normal best resign stuff, however the words get the slant whether you are taking a gander at riding or not.

I never been baffled by you. You for the most part give me incredible experience and unmistakable flavor each time. I like the primary bike pic most.

you are lucky, the sun accompanies you on your way all the time :)
each person has his own way and his own difficulties on it, but in one thing we must all be immutable - in motion. Movement is life. Life, in fact, can be compared with the road, it can be easy, and after a dramatic change. You never know what awaits you around the turn, so you always need to enjoy the moment of the movement :)
We can not change the weather, but we can dress properly and feel comfortable and continue to enjoy the road :)
Good day:)

and hearing my dear engine revving

I've been addicted to youtube motovlogs because of the sound the engine does revving, i don't have a motorcycle mainly because my mother would get a heart attack everytime i went for a ride(she hates bikes), i have a car though, and the amount of time i spend riding around without any destination only to find myself somewhere new that i don't know, a new road, a new landscape, it's such an amazing feel!! I might not be a biker, but i surely have the spirit for it, the spirit of being one with the road, the spirit of being one with the air, the felling of being one with the universe
Great post, keep up with the good content, followed you, i love motorcycles, be safe on your travels!

Thank you! :)

Wow, again serie of awesome photos. They are so perfect that i watched all them few times. And describe of your travels experiences is very interesting. Keep it up, i will come back yo read.

I always liked being able to afford to travel on a beautiful bike for the world. Unfortunately I can not, so I find it nice that you share with us these images and your experience.

I really enjoyed how detailed and creative you presented your post and I highly recommend your camera, Mehn! the camera is dope not minding that you took those shots in the night. You are just a creative content creator and I am wondering why I never saw any of your posts before now. You are followed immediately.

I am @geekis, I blog about #marriageandrelationship.

Hi @velimir,
This is very cool man. I mean, all you’re posts are cool, but this #Motorcycle Travel Series is Very Cool. Very beautifully written, of course, and I never once considered giving up midway, and your photographs is too good.
BTW @velimir you look like #Johnny.Blaze ( Ghost Rider actor )
if you have not watch this movie, i suggest you should watch this, surely you will you enjoy.

Thanks for sharing!
Looking forward to the next chapter!
keep smile always :)

Oh. Velimir. You've outdone yourself. The photographs are the normal top shelf stuff, but the words capture the feeling whether you are talking about riding or not. Think a little, ride a lot.

All I want to see is what is on the other side of the next hill. When it is really going well it's hard for me to tell where the motorcycle ends and I begin. That's when I'm riding. Or living.

Thank you. I deeply appreciate it.

Some love sent your way!
Cheers, fellow rider!

I feel good when i read your post velimir. I always immediately read your travel experience even if i am busy in something then i put it on hold and first read your post and then again resume my stuff.

I never been disappointed by you. You always give me good experience and different flavour each time.

I like the first bike pic most.

Glad to hear! :) Thank you for following!

I read all your post sinces I start on steemit, it help me to create and inspirame to make me own adventures, thanks

Seriously? no way...

what a bike fabulous.

Hi sir this is my first time to read your series in your motorcycle travel series and I am enjoy reading it. Life is lifer with travels, your not just a traveller but in every ride you take you have many memories to look back. Thank you for sharing this @velimir. I am excited to read the next series of this ride.

@veilimir you are worthy of admiration your effort and dedication are examples to follow for many of us ... you impel us to follow our dreams ...

Excellent publication!


thank you very much

Velimir, you are a writer with great spirit and talent! You are very interesting to read and photos are made with a soul! I would like very much to learn these good qualities from you! With great respect, @ nadin100501

Velimir, your blog is fantastic! Love it.
Greetings from Bulgaria.

a rider on the storm :) nice pictures and awesome story!
pretty sure you enjoyed your ride!
thanks for sharing, keep it up
upvoted & resteemed :)

Sweet autumn powers right there! did want to ask you how you managed to get the shot of the mirror?! whenever I try to do that on my Susuki Bandit, I will just slow down a ton xD

Also I am so afraid to lose my camera or life by trying to do it ⚡

I liked to see your smile! living the life! 😊


I stop the bike before taking the picture, bro! :D
Sometimes, only at slow speeds. I take photos when riding. Then I use only my left hand for the camera. Right one is always on the throttle :)

Switching hands is probably the trick xD I was just clutching 100% and let it roll.

I was thinking a ton to complicated haha!
Thanks for your works of art mate!


Sweet dream, steemit members, get in touch, be the first to get number one
02 Cougar Chair S b.png

Then when you are home, have a nice seat sending special for you.

@velimir One thing I love that your Helmet and hand gloves. I just love them. Product name and price, please. I am dying to buy those.

The helmet I found on the Internet. Wanted a completely black one without any commercial crap over it. It was so long time ago so I forgot the model name. It was around 200$ Gloves came much cheaper as I bought them from a local glove maker for 20$ I think :) Cheers :D

@velimir Thanks a lot. Many many thanks.

Your post show how well you love riding motorcycles. Thanks for sharing such a sincere and honest post. Your pictures are always original ,it Iis a good thing keeping your post real.

wow..i feel like i am traveling with you when i read your posts :) i like the way how you write things :)

Original content will always be appreciated by all.And thanku for reminding that because it's very important for people like yourself to remind us all that quality matters most and make steemit Great Place to be

zanimljivo :D samo nastavi (Y)

I am curious.. do you have an end goal or a destination you are going to? And are you travelling all by yourself? (first time I see your story) Lovely post :)

Have a great weekend!

I enjoy every single Motorcycle Travel Article, because one day I will also drive around the world with my bike.
All the best for your journey!

Very cool buddy!

keep going u doing good work!

what bike exactly u got??

followed and upvoted!


Wahoo nice place enjoy your ride which to go on a trip like this

Good post friend as succesful as alwasy thanks

I am waiting for your support, mister

you have tour anywhere Mr. @velimir 🚴 😊

A series which have no alternative, great explanation, keep it up and keep sharing like this in future.

The feeling is priceless

where is this place. sir.. amaging. i have to go with u..

another great motorcycle travel series by #velimir
I read your posts daily and i liked them very much
Keep it up buddy

nice motorcycle.

Energetic! I like your photography

i always love this

Love to see bicke lovers and riders . It seems just fly in the air thx for your thots.

you are a greta write i was trying to imagine myself bringing out a story in a particular activity tho you have much followers and upvote you deserve more for your originality

ooooh yeah!! i like the bikes!!! she's so beautifu!!! i love it!!

Please follow me and read my last post!!

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