
Im also thinking a movie could be a great way spread awareness and to get new people interested in participating in the hive ecosystem. The idea of decentralized movie creation is very interesting.

It could definitely make Hive more known, if we were able to produce a movie or few as a community. The only problem I see is bringing all the people together to create the movies, since it's a global community. We'd likely need to establish it, or several small groups of enthusiasts, somewhere where most of the talent concentrates.

I agree, but i love the long-term implications. The logistics of decentralized project management is definitely something that needs to be refined before anything large scale is attempted. Thinking ahead though, actors would have to be in the same relative area in order to participate (just for ease of filming). Im wondering if theres a way to open that door to international actors. It would be cool if the movie had scenes from around the world utilizing hives outreach.

Plenty of B-roll could be produced quite effectively and cheap by individuals around the world that's true.

It's the logistics part that may prove a hassle, especially if the actors are from different parts of the world.

I recall there is a #HiveFest meetup in Mexico this year. I wonder if there are enough people interested in movie making going there. I am a bit too late to join, and currently a bit tied up with my finances too.

In a matter of fact, I just checked the HiveFest 2023 speakers and noticed @lordbutterfly and @littlelamb are titled "Freechain movie producer" and "Freechain movie director". I wonder what Freechain is about, and whether it has similar goals to what I just wrote about.

Yes. It is exactly tied into what you mentioned in the post.
If Freechain succeeds to the level we hope it will we will start a "production studio" on Hive.

We already know what the next film will be.

It all depends on the results we manage to achieve and the connections we create.

Let me know when you start, I would be happy to support or even join the project if possible!