🎵 🎙️Topics & Tunes 🎙️🎵 CANCELLED FOREVER

in #mspwaves4 years ago (edited)

TT canceled forever.png

Today I bid you adieu.


For the last 3 years I've blessed the airwaves with singing, stories, conspiracy theories, games and more. And I've come to the (very hard) conclusion that it's just not what the people are looking for. I mean, I've TRIED EVERYTHING (in my wheelhouse). I feel like being consistent (showing up week after week) and not improving audience numbers is a pretty good indication I need to try something else. I LOVE going down rabbit holes of seemingly insane information and I'll likely never stop. However, I believe I could spend my time better by not making my OBS scene AMAZING (for no one to see) and by not collecting links to share with... 3 of you. 😉

Don't get me wrong. I LOVE THE THREE OF YOU. You know who you are. I feel like we are a tiny little conspiracy family. And I will always be thankful for you. 🥰

Special Thanks to @r0nd0n for always being ...well, awesome. He's done a lot and continues to do a lot for MSPwaves.com. He's a sassy clown who will always hold a space in my heart. I'm also posting this while he's sleeping as he would again attempt to convince me to stay. But alas, I cannot.

Do YOU want to be a DJ?! - Do it! MSPwaves has available slots to share your thoughts and feels on literally ANYTHING. Find your niche! Pop into PAL Discord and tag r0nd0n. He'll show you the way!



I'm on the SPLINTERLANDS team! Click the pic below for OFFICIAL Splinterlands lore!


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All images created by me, Bitmoji, are open-source by the Splinterlands/Steem Monster Team, or logos of projects I support.

Thank you so much for all you've done for MSP Waves. Sorry to hear you're ending your show, but excited to see what a smart girl like you cooks up next. ~r0nd0n

Sorry to see you go :( but awesome to see that you have found that it isn't working for you. I felt this about my livestreaming of certain content on my page as well. Some content works some doesn't its up to us artists to find the content that makes sense to us.

Girl never say never or in this case forever you dont know the turns around of life and who knows you may end up doing a show again sometime 🤗 never got to listen to you but is just my connection doesnt let me do voice 😭 i wish i could have your shows and Crims seem like the funnies and most awesome one of the bunch im sorry to see you go and now i dont get to say that if my internet gets better will listen to you ☹️

No worries. To be honest... I think your internet is better than mine... so those who DID come were getting me in all fuzzy and many a dropped frame. Not a lot to miss.😉

It's possible me and the hubs will start a Splinterlands themed show in the near future...

We are in the process of buying a house 14 hours away from where we are now. It's extremely stressful.
But perhaps our internets will be better there and new possibilities will open up.🥰

The important questions is:

Does the new house comes with a room for me to visit? Illegally since i dont have a visa but still?

And a splinterlands show would be amazing not that your topics & tunes wasnt a good theme but splinterlands may come with a bigger audience too that is exciting!

Answer: Yes. Including your own bathroom. 😎
And I think we could sneak you and the other two in ... in very large suitcases.

Yeah. Would totally already have an audience with Splinterlands. And I do know all the things... 😉

I love you. Sorry I haven't been around the last couple of weeks ... I'm currently experiencing the darkest timeline. For what it's worth, I enjoy you immensely ... I find you incredibly entertaining. I personally just think Sunday afternoon is a bad time slot... evening shows have more peeps I think.

I'm also experiencing much anxiety, fear , and uncertainty. Most all to do with moving a million miles away. 😭😭😭 22 days... I'm freaking out.

And yes, Sundays are rough I think.

Girl never say never or in this case forever you dont know the turns around of life and who knows you may end up doing a show again sometime 🤗 never got to listen to you but is just my connection doesnt let me do voice 😭 i wish i could have your shows and Crims seem like the funnies and most awesome one of the bunch im sorry to see you go and now i dont get to say that if my internet gets better will listen to you ☹️

When I catched your shows I was surprised of how much info you shared and interesting themes you had. I remember very well the one about demons and the other one about ghosts. I think sundays is not a good time for me and I know its the same for others.
I hope you continue been amazing. I send you all the good vibes and blessings. Keep it up.

Yay for demons and ghosts! 🤣
I agree, I think Sundays are hard for many.
Thank you for the good vibes and blessings. 🥰

Not happy to see you leave. I listened alot more than you think. I listened to the audio stream on my phone while driving to work. But I couldnt chat cause driving 80,000 lbs and texting isnt the smartest thing to do.
But now maybe you can have time on Saturday nights to come on me and Johns show. We've been thinking of doing some alien/conspiracy topics.

But my biggest problem is who the hell am I gonna listen to on the way to work now! 🤣🤬🤣

you are an intelligent person and you have a thousand ideas .. you will have no problem for design your future

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Do not miss the last post from @hivebuzz:

October 2020 is the World Mental Heath Month

:( who else can I chat about aliens with.

I just discovered your markdown tutorial and came to check out your page, looked cool. Sad to see it ended. I hope your time elsewhere was worthwhile! Thanks for what you put up here for us!