Black Eye Butterfly (2nd Set) ............Big Some Day

in #musiclast year


Wow!! That didn't take long!! Already on the second set of tunes on my Emanate page.. If this was the pub, people would be starting to feel the effects of the drinks lol..

We'll start of with the first tune "Big Some Day" by me, Black Eye Butterfly..
So, Jux, the founder of the game "Rising Star", in the early days, was looking for music to support the game.. Great game by the way.. After you have a listen to my Song, check it out here..

Obviously you have a Hive account because you are reading this post..

So, anyway,it gave me the idea for Big Some Day, as that's what the game is about.. You start as a busker and work your way up to be a big star.. Its fun. I play every day.

Big Some Day is at the beginning of the game. I find that super cool..

Anyway have a listen here or play the game and have a listen there..
Thanks for your support and do something decentralized :)

Here's the link


By the way.. that's me standing on the Stratford Music festival's stage lol..

Closed , obviously hahaha.. And I'd had a pint or two ha