Are You Ready For Some Musical Shock?

in #music6 years ago

Sit down tight, brace yourself, hold your chair, inhale deeply, be brave. Then and only then press play on this video.

Marvelous, ain't it? This is the music the dreams are made of. Or nightmares :)

Yes, these clowns are the real movie actors from the Guardians of the galaxy.


I HOPE Its a joke

It is a joke. Seriously :)

hei man, i put a 30 auto vote on you on every post but i noticed now it ddint' work, sorry, i suggest you also use steemvoter at 20% on my posts as see i do many. let me know your though

WOW, I thought I'd seen it all, now I think I truly have

I would like to ask for a separate favor, can you please vote for us as a witness @swisswitness?

I'd really appreciate it! Anyone else reading this not voting for any witness or that has some spots left, please vote for us as well

Running for a witness? Great! A team effort? Even better! I will do it. First, I have to see from whom will I remove my vote.

I might ask you for a counter-favour :) I am thinking of setting up the seed / witness node myself and some instructions would be welcome. For example, hardware requirements, a pointer to some documents with a setup procedure, ...

No problem, but @sirwries is the technical guy in our team. I'm just here recruiting souls and looking pretty 😉

David Husselhoff an actor? Hahaha... Yeah, right... 🤣

Movie actor can be a very broad term :)))

Ps: Davis is not acting in the movie. He is just a special guest star in the video:)

Hillarious video!

That's the word :)

It takes some courage to make a video like this one, don't you think?

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hahaha what a strange video

that is the supercar driver!