
MDMA was just being whispered as I was stopping my heavy use back in the day. Did pretty well everything else though...
DSofThe Moon on 'cid....
Crime of The Century by Supertramp
Overnight Sensation by Zappa
Kind of Blue by M. Davis
Anything by Chris Whitley:)
Be well, youngun'!

Hahaha oh god, excuse my egocentrism. MDMA was definitely a thing before my time, however it was new to us high schoolers and wasn't mainstream in pop culture yet. Interesting song selection, Ive only ever heard of supertramp, dont kill me hehe

I love your music selection @indicaqueen ... I want to live in a Nirvana afterlife :)<3

Why thank you, what's your favourite song by them?

Probably your own selection - Heart Shaped Box ... or Frances Farmer will have her revenge of Seattle! Fascinating story too BTW. Steem on @indicaqueen :)

Aw thanks! I followed you btw

You appear an enchanting creature @indicaqueen :)

Yes I'm what people would say "unique

Steemit is indeed bathed in uniqueness alright - with some very clever characters too ;)

I was just listening to an Album (yeah, not just a single) and realized it really was one of my favorites of all time. (freedom by WhiteHeart) Many may not have heard of it, but it's sooo well produced and the songs really move me.