Somewhere Lurking in the Sunless Ocean... // Original Music and Art

in #music5 years ago

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The next apocalypse......

Somewhere in the hell of the deep ocean, floating on the outside in a glowing fissure of hot gas, there lurks the sunless ocean, with a blink of light after it vanishes. Still stirring, it emits an immense pressure and whirls around the giant monster, going from orbit to orbit. In its descent towards the earth, it begins to lose its atmospheric heat and speed up, reaching its ultimate speed where the radiation begins to build up.

My friend @vachemorte made a songy post and used
for some lyrics which I thought was glorious.
The site uses a neural network to complete your text so basically, you type something in and it spews out some insanity.
So, I used that for the above text which then inspired me to create this music as well as the artbreeder art.


Beautiful post realy excellent music 😊😊

The music certainly does create a creepy lurking in the deep...

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