
angry little people. I link Hive on my front page, I mention it in videos. Get over it.

you're awesome

acidyo is killing HIVE


i am honored by your focus


1 view.

How about views on Odysee/LBRY?

Or Bitchute?

It's almost as though he has a much larger viewership on other platforms, and most people don't watch videos on 3speak...

So if he's getting a lot more views outside of Hive, and dropping his Hive link and shouting out Hive in those videos... it's almost like he's promoting it to a bunch of people not using it yet.

Last I checked he wasn't linking back to Hive from any other platform except an icon on his website. You'd kind of expect to see some activity here eventually if he has that much viewers and shouts out Hive, no? Why are you or others on Hive not watching his videos on hive dapps?

From the description of the same video (on Odysee)

He also talks about it whenever the topic of social medias comes up.

Myself and a few others (like dbroze) are looking at organizing a #HiveHouse for content creators at & around a few events coming up, like #TheGreaterReset in January and #Agorapulco in February - to help get them really up to speed, deep dive into communities & tags, create a bunch of content shouting Hive out for their channels elsewhere, and hopefully get everyone at the event up and running.

PS. Are you seriously voting for a witness that promises rewards in exchange for your vote?
