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RE: Glastonbury Festival 2023 - A week in the world's most dense populated city

in #music11 months ago

Part of me wants to go to Glastonbury, but it can be a lottery with the weather and tickets can be hard to get. I've done my share of camping and like a little luxury (like a bed) these days. I may try a smaller festival some time.

Looks like you had a great time anyway. I've seen Show of Hands and they are great.



yea Steve Knightly has become quite a good friend of the group. Really respect his songwriting. There are a lot of great festivals in the UK that are not of the size and scale of glastonbury but have plenty to offer. Especially some of the Folk ones! We are going to Wickham Folk Festival in August, that one is Excellent. Has much more space to breath but still brings in a lot of top notch acts.