Berlin Community Radio - Brunch Show ft. Six Pack at any Hour - 18.12.2017

in #music6 years ago

Berlin Community Radio Brunch With Six Pack at any Hour 💜

Hi Steemit, how is everyone! here is our latest mix for Berlin Community Radio every monday 11am - 12pm. This time we have decided to do a mix of genres from Rock, Punk and Garage style music, a more energetic mix to help you through your monday grind! With that being said, we have changed the name from Champagne at any hour to Six pack at any hour haha 🔥 This time, I (Leon) also managed to say a few things on the microphone just because we were more relaxed and we kept it funny and impromptu throughout the show! See if you can listen out for my voice haha
Here are some pictures of our day at the station! The Artwork above was once again done by our good friend Amos turner, please check out some of his artwork HERE :)

During this mix session, we were more relaxed with our approach to it and we wanted to also keep the atmosphere of the mix rough but also professional at the same time! For this mix, we have featured bands like Carsick cars from China who wrote a song about a brand of cigarette "Zhong Nan Hai" (Personally one of my favourites) followed by other artist such as Jay Reatard "Not a subsitute", such simple and good lyrics :) Songs that we usually listen to when we are commuting from work or back in the days when we we driving in the car around Australia!

Different from our previous shows, this time we have focused on a specific genre as stated above. This actually gave us a lot more "freedom" just because it allowed us to be more comfortable with the mixing of songs, not worrying too much if it blends but more about the blending of the texture from song to song.
Ultimately, with genres such as punk n garage, in my opinion, I like how much energy each song encapsulates, with its loud guitars, rough singing and banging drums, translating the energy to your ears. Furthermore, I like how the songs of these genres translates through simplicity with its melody n lyrics without getting too complex with the meaning of the song. Don't get me wrong, not all music from these genres are good just like every genre but here on this mix we have chosen the ones we like 😍. Let us know what you think :)


What are some of your favourite radio shows that play similar style music as this mix? Do you have a favourite Punk, Garage or Rock song, post on the comment section below! Feel free to also share your opinions on any improvements that we could make for our radio show! We added some post production soundbites such as an opening of a can of beer haha. Share your opinions and i am looking forward to hear from you guys!

Thank you for reading and if you are in Berlin or anywhere in the world, we are doing a christmas mix on christmas day itself - Berlin time 11am - 12pm, stay tuned 🔊🔊 Till then merry christmas fellow steemit peeps

The Mix:

Much Love,

Links to Previous shows

BCR Brunch with Champagne at any hour ft. Zues Dupree - 11.12.2017
BCR Brunch with Champange at any hour ft. Hardrugs - 04.12.2017
BCR Brunch with Champange at any hour - 27.11.2017


Again, you create a very nice post and give us a little inside wrt what happens in radio studios. Your question I dont have any answer for though, am not in this type of music and I dont listen to radio for the last gazillion years, other than the news station when I drive my car :) I do use BitRadio from time to time, and then listen to almost any radio station, from techno to jazz and back again, a great way to discover new styles of music, or listen to something else than I usually do.

Merry christmas @qsounds Haha yes actually tuning in to an actual FM radio does not happen anymore! Stay tuned to our christmas mix, maybe you will like it =) I agree its such a good place to discover new music and be sure to check out some other online radio stations like that i really recommend! Happy holidays n hope to see you around @qsounds

Cool sounds, thanks for sharing your music with us!

Hi @kubbyelizabeth! Merry christmas and happy holidays, always a pleasure to be sharing mixes/music1 thank you for the support! Hope to see you around more here on Steemit :)

Are you on MSP/pal discord? Be great to see you there sharing and chatting with the other musicians

Hi! yes i am! sometimes i am there chatting :) are you there as well? I would definitely like to be more involved in the community! If there are any opportunities to also do a DJ set on MSPradio or something of that sort, would be great!

YEs there is lots of opportunity. My name on there is kubbyelizabeth, NExt time you are on there let me know and ill tell you more about the radio. WE need more djs!

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