Potatoheadz Records - Volume 1 Release

in #music β€’ 6 years ago

Potatoheadz - Volume 1 Release

Hi Steemit! πŸ˜€
Since it is coming to our first record release :) I have decided to also share some of our previous releases we did under Potatoheadz Records, the music label that we run apart from our group project YS. So far we have done 2 releases that we have released as digital recordings via Bandcamp and also through physical cassette tapes of 50, that are both sold out! For our very release "Potatoheadz Vol. 1", we did a compilation featuring a variety of styles and genres made by a group of producers and artists who were living in Melbourne, most of which are in the Potatoheadz family, who have helped build this project from scratch :) We decided to start the Potatoheadz label so that we could help promote our friends and also help foster a community locally and internationally by creating a platform online to share music that we found interesting!

πŸ‘₯πŸ‘₯πŸ‘₯πŸ‘₯ List of Artist, Designers and Friends πŸ‘₯πŸ‘₯πŸ‘₯πŸ‘₯

  1. DJ Oyster aka Edo Lang, who is currently still based in Melbourne and still with us in music n spirit.
  2. Sedgwick, Co-founder and has been a part of the Potatoheadz family from day one
  3. Dyl Pickle aka Dylan Young / Way Dynamic, a good friend and a solid musician of all types of genres! You should check his music out :)

With the Label, we started gathering our friends who made music and it was a learning curve on how to execute a release while also taking a professional approach to the release by seeking advice from labels and artists who have done this before. One such label was Butter sessions who have kept a strong following through their hard-work and creativity, with some good releases under their belt. We also got Corey Kikos from Butter sessions and Sleep D to help master all the tracks from this release! Since it being our first release, we also got our friends in design to help with the artwork. Galen Strachan who did a magnificent job on making the Potatoheadz logo as seen above :) and also our good friend Camilia Louisa who did all the photography of the cassette tapes and the stickers. If you like what you see, feel free to contact them for any design work ⚑⚑⚑⚑⚑⚑⚑

Here are some of the pictures from the release

With that being said, we have our first record release due to be out on the 26th of January 2018, that was fully funded by the Australian Government "Creative arts Victoria". It has been a long while coming but I will share my experience about grant writing next and the whole process of making a vinyl release! If you guys like what you see above, feel free to share your opinions or even your dislikes πŸ˜€ Also let me know what you guys think on the comments below, how we could better improve the music, the asethetic or anything of that sort!

Link to the Bandcamp/actualy release :

Much Love,