in #musicwaybackchallenge6 years ago (edited)

Remember when The Coca Cola Top 40 was a thing on Saturday mornings? Sitting there with an index finger on play and a pinky on record waiting in desperation for the presenter to stop talking so you could record songs off the radio on a cassette tape ?They always started talking again before the end of the song, usually over the BEST DAMN PART, ruining the recording, but it was okay cause next week you would just try again!! You remember? Of course you do! You had one of these too didn't you...?


Whilst my sisters dreamed up happily ever afters with Two Min Noodle over here (right: seen with creepy puppet of himself) I was recording tunes on a whole other level. This iconic poster (seen left) hanging on my closet door, right opposite my bed of Mr Marshall Mathers, a poster I had stolen from the inside of one of my mom's YOU magazines. I mean when you look at them side by side you can see I was clearly the sister with better life decisions right?


I was going places, not college, but places with dingy hole in the wall dens and bad boys trying to be just like him! I mean he sang "Two trailer park girls go round the outside" and all of a sudden I was a trailer park girl going round the outside. I mean apart from the dance feel and the Fuck you to the man his music brought, the lyrics were inspired:

"A visionary, vision is scary
Could start a revolution,
polluting the airwaves"

All of a sudden, we youths with emotional and physical damage, in families where we were silenced, misunderstood, suppressed - we had a voice and a hero! I remember blasting this music through the house whenever my mom went out, writing down all of the lyrics and memorizing it so I could rap all of it, word for word, feeling this rush of excitement filled with self-righteousness anger and rebellion, as just teenagers do! It was one such day, after convincing my Calfornia-blonde-Barbie-pop-loving-candyfloss-eating-goodietwoshoes sisters, to turn off the Britney and the JT and to join in the revolution that is Eminem, that my mother came home...

She destroyed my poster, my cassette tape and my ass cheeks, but she NEVER destroyed my love for Eminem!

"You hear this finger? Oh it's upside down
Here, let me turn this motherfucker up right now"


💜 Rules and Guidelines 💜
➿ Choose one song from your high-school/college years.

➿ Write a few words about who made you listen to this song for the first time, what this song means to you (was it a breakup song? you blasted it at 100% on your audio system when you were partying with your friends?) whatever you want.

➿ Write your text while listening to the song. As soon as the song ends, wrap up what you where writing and submit it.

➿ Do this for 7 days in a row if you get nominated

➿ Mention one person who should do this on each day.

➿ Tag it with #musicwaybackchallenge and include these rules at the bottom of your post

➿ Follow @greek-trail for great content made by our fellow Greeks!


Thank you so much for your interest, I am brand new at this blogging thing, but old school at reading and playing games and listening to music, I will have a read on your post and get back to you <3

you're totally a classy version of an Eminen girl!

I will take it! :D You pretty gansta yourself!

I totally grew up listening to the "Coka Cola Countdown". In my city, the local radio station also had the Coka Cola Boombox and it would come and do street parties. I think that we might have very similar playlists. I listen to everything from Rock to hip hop and country and jazz. Let the good times begin.

Maybe I can tempt you to write your own music challenge ? !

What a great line "She destroyed my poster, my cassette tape and my ass cheeks but could NEVER destroy my love for Eminem"

Made me laugh right out loud. I missed the 'rap' revolution, I was too drunk at the start to get it at all and by the time I sobered up it had gotten just too nasty for me to take. 'Cept for Everlast. After he had his heart attack he did some pretty good blues rap.

Thanks for a great memory.

Unlike rap my ass cheeks survived Big T! I'm a completest so tomorrow I will continue the 7 day challenge and share some hopefully entertaining and relatable memories! Did you write anything about your sobering up ? I feel like I wanna sit with you in a lil pub in Letterfrack and tell our life stories with a hearty Irish stew and a warm fire! You have become a real life friend too thank you, you are adored !