
I have a religion and my Religion is Islam. I am a Muslim.

Thanks for reading and I hope this helps

Yes I do have a religion, I'm a Christian but I have a good number of friends who are atheists, and according to their reasoning, they believe that there's no God whatsoever because they don't understand how people can kneel down and pray to imaginary beings who they can't see, touch or even confirm if they're even hearing them. One of them told me that she believes religion is just a way human beings explain things that science hasn't yet been able to explain.

The religion which i practice is christianity and i believe that God exists and he is the creator of heaven and earth,,but sometimes there are some mystireous things that happen and make me want to ask so many

questions from God if i have the chance to...innocent children dying,people being killed inside the church,etc and the question is why should God allow those worshipping him to die in a very pathetic death like

bomb attacks,why can’t he just simply save them and keep them alive??why do some bad and wicked people live long on earth while those that are innocent die at a

very early age??there are many things that happen in the society and it just makes me wonder and ask that “why did God allow this to happen or why can’t he simply stop it”??

Yes I do

I'm Christian.

Been a Christian means you are a follower of Christ

You accept Christ as your lord and personal saviour.

I was born in Christian home but that does not automatically makes me a Christian.

To be a Christian you have to believe in your heart that Christ died for you and accept him as your saviour but first you have to believe there  God and Jesus is the son of God.

Christianity is not the only religion as we have some that don't believe God exist and some that don't believe Jesus is the son of God.

Im a Christian because I can't imagine my life without God. With all the craziness of this world I found peace in Him. Christianity isy way of life not just a religion.

No, I believe in myself not in some imaginary being.