
As technopathy gets refine closer and closer to biology in cybernetics, we're going to achiever telepathy, I feel that the answer is one and the same, just to the level of advancement

I know many do not believe in telepathy, but there have been rare occurrence of recorded of partially telepathy, I believe someday if we continue to nurture technopathy (like our current crude mobile phone device plugin into our ears via bluetooth), we will approach what would look like magic in the next few decades

I vote we continue with our current path of technopathy

I think I'd rather prefer technopathy.
I really wouldn't need to connect with anyone.
This is the world of technology.
I have always admired those with technopathy prowess and that would sure be my pick

Well since I already have Technopathy covered, I'll go with Telepathy. lol, my definition of Technopathy -- When you can smell and hear a distressed server from 20 feet and immediately know what's wrong with it.

I'd go with technopathy. That way I don't have to get up and get the remote to switch on the the television.