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RE: My 2019: The last 2019 Showcase Weekend - Horror, Honey and Roast Potatoes

in #my20194 years ago (edited)

Cheers dude. I do love writing a grizzly tale.

All gone after three or four days but totally dead after a week.

Yeah, I'd be temped to write an open letter to one of the steemit.Inc team asking them to brainstorm with the community a mechanism to encourage more readers to visit posts in perpetuity. At the moment showcase Sunday is the only option. But I've been conditioned (through working as a curie curator) to see reposting as a big no no.

The other thing I'd really like to see is the various front ends implementing integration with brave browser to allow steem content creators to be tipped on page with BAT. Shit, even twitter allows tipping with BAT... but I'm not sure I'd ever want to tip someone's tweet that took them 30 seconds to think up... but a well written blog, or story, is a different matter. I think steem is the perfect platform to partner up with brave. Not sure why they haven't done it already.

Ha ha, I might try hijacking the comment thread on one of stincs posts... not sure they'll take any notice of me though, probably shouldn't have pissed andrachy off on the 'how we're gonna onboard the masses' stinc post.


Gruesome = good!

Haha, did you cross swords on that post?

It might be worth it. The perform with those parts is that the contents section becomes unnavigable after a while as everyone chimes in!