Family Hike - Show Us Your California

in #mycalifornia5 months ago

Hi friends,

This post is an entry into the weekly Show Us Your California contest hosted by @thesocalhive where we share an aspect of our California.

With mountains nearby there are tons of trails in and around the mountains. My family likes being outdoors, and we try to get in a hike from time to time. We did just such a thing the other day on a new trail. Here are a few pics:





A beautiful afternoon, good weather, and great family time :)

Thanks for coming by and checking out a piece of my California.



Very nice. I love the canyons with big live oaks like that.

Hope it will not be a bit terrifying to enter this type of forest

Good weather to have hiking in such a beautiful trail.

That looks like a great bonding experience. Kids these days don't often go out and experience nature. So this is a really nice thing that you are practicing with your kids.

Your piece of California is beautiful especially with the greenish vegetation and the mountains. Thanks for sharing their pictures with us and have a nice day.

It is very beautiful and beautiful. In which it does happen like this every day. In which you get time to roam. Children are always cute. Enjoy the world. so keep moving forward with time. Thank you @brian.rrr

It’s good to see that you and your family found time to hike
Hiking is more interesting when you do it with people you love

Your kids are to much intelligent

may god bless your kid always.

She’s getting big brother….

I have refreshed many times, but it seems that the first image cannot be displayed

Your journey has made the journey beautiful in which even the setting sun looks very lovely.enjoy traveling with family In which every way we get to learn something new.

You received an upvote of 89% from Precious the Silver Mermaid!

Please remember to contribute great content to the #SilverGoldStackers tag to create another Precious Gem.

Children should be taken on such adventures, it makes their brains work much better and they also get to learn a lot.

This is looking cool. But those types of forest might be terrifying though

Thank you for participating in this weeks Show us Your California contest!

Time well spent...:)...