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RE: πŸ‹ Guess the weight of this monster catfish... πŸ‘€ Win a SteemBasicIncome share! πŸ’°

in #myhuntingfishing β€’ 6 years ago

My Guess is 126.5 lbs I know the size of some of the big fish in the Missouri. My ex wife was a conservation surveyor. On weekends I would bank fish while she conducted her surveys. I think she and I met you guys once. The one cat broke the scale y'all were using.
Do you all fish outside booneville?

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Good luck @motinkergnome !!!

These were caught up around the Nishnabotna River.
My brother used to fish the Lamine River a lot.
I grew up in Marshall...

Thanks, I Grewup in STL and got the hell out of there about 2002. I love living where the air is clean and my neighbors are a drive away.

You're welcome!
ahh STL a good place to be from! haha
(meaning no longer living there...)